Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Parcel # *
Have you Submitted a Letter from U.S. Fish & Wildlife? (request will not be processed until received)
Are house, septic & driveway marked?
Are trees proposed for removal flagged? * (Request will not be processed until flagged)
Is this Request for New Construction or Existing Development? *
Contractor Information
Name *
Have you submitted a Tree Survey? (Request will not be processed until received)
Have you submitted a Basal Area Spreadsheet, or a Letter from U.S. Fish & Wildlife?
(Request will not be processed until received)
Contractor Name
Are you requesting the removal of any significant trees? *
Mailing Address *
Trees requested to be removed must be flagged with ribbon prior to inspection

To obtain a permit, this application must be completed and submitted. Upon inspection and approval, a permit will be issued.

All work will comply with US Fish & Wildlife Service, State, Federal & local laws, ordinances & regulations.

Total Number of Pine Trees 8" DBH or Larger to be removed *
Planned Date of Action *
For New Construction: You must provide a Tree Survey, showing the location of the structures, the location, size and species of trees being requested to remove.
If you are proposing to remove Pine Trees 8" DBH or larger, and the subject property is in the blue or red zone, you must also submit a Basal Area Spreadsheet, or a Letter from U.S. Fish & Wildlife (Request will not be processed until received)

For Existing Development: If you are proposing to remove Pine Trees 8" DBH or larger, and the subject property is in the blue or red zone, you must submit a Letter from U.S. Fish & Wildlife (Request will not be processed until received)
Property Owner Information
Please Select the RCW Classification Zone that the Subject Property is Located in. * (green/blue/red)
Current RCW parcel classification list

Indicate which zones below:
Significant Trees Proposed for Removal
Fee Description Fee
Clearing (For New Construction) $55.00
Re-inspection Fee $25.00
If you are proposing to remove Pine Trees 8" DBH or larger, and the subject property is located in blue or red RCW Sensitive Zone, you must answer the following:
Phone #
Property Details
Email *
Reason for removal *
If you are proposing to remove Pine Trees 8" DBH or larger, and the subject property is located in blue or red RCW Sensitive Zone, you must answer the following:
Property Address *
Signature *
State *
Important Information
Last Name *
City *
Search by address *
Applicant Information
Are you requesting the removal of any trees 8" DBH or larger *
Significant trees are any trees 24" DBH and larger, or dogwoods, live oaks, or american hollies 8" DBH and larger
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and accurate and that the required permit fee will be paid as per the fee schedule above.
Phone # *
Total Number of Non-Pines 8" DBH or Larger to be removed *
For Existing Development
For New Construction
City, State, ZIP *
Fee Schedule
First Name *
Unit #
Address *
Tree Removal Plan
Phone #