Phone #
Please specify what you're applying for, as well as what you're not.
Facility Status
Food, Tobacco, and Frozen Desserts
Registration Type
Permit Details
Establishment Details
Tobacco Product Sales Permit
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Establishment Name
Food & Milk Establishment Permit
Type the street number and name and press Enter to select the Address
Address 2
Frozen Desserts AND/OR Ice Cream Mix
  • Contacts
  • Food and Milk
  • Tobacco Products
  • Frozen Desserts
  • Attachments
  • Fee Schedule
  • Certification
Treasurer Name
Emergency Contact Details
Phone #
Phone #
Alternate Certified Food Protection Manager Details
Principal Officer
Full Name
Corporate Name
Certificate #
Date of Incorporation
District/Regional Manager Details
Expiration Date
City, State, ZIP
Certificate #
Phone #
State of Incorporation
First Name
Additional Owners Details
Applicant Details
Certified Food Protection Manager Details
Last Name
Expiration Date
SSN/Federal ID #
Corporation Details
Full Name
Phone #
President Name
Full Name
Date of Birth
Ownership Type
Last Name
First Name
Phone #
City, State, ZIP
Establishment Type?
Location of hand wash/toilet facilities on route
Church/Non Profit
For Mobile Food Units
The operator does not prepare, but offers for sale, only pre-packaged food that does not require time/temperature control for safety.
Farmers Market
The operator prepares only food that does not require time/temperature control for safety.
If yes, # of seats
Temporary (Up to 14 Days)
The operator prepares food for service to a highly susceptible population
Phone #
The operator prepares, offers for sale, or serves food that requires time/temperature control for safety in advance in quantities based on projected consumer demand and discards food that is not sold or served at an approved frequency.
The operator prepares food that requires time/temperature control for safety in advance using a food preparation method that involves two or more steps which may include combining ingredients; cooking; cooling; reheating; hot or cold holding; freezing; or thawing.
The operator prepares, offers for sale, or serves food that requires time/temperature control for safety using time as the public health control.
Are there one or more persons on duty at all times trained in anti-choking techniques?
Ice Cream Vendor
Food Preparation Information
The operator prepares food for delivery to and consumption at a location off the premises of the food establishment where it is prepared
Residential Kitchen
If yes, state SqFt
Food and Milk Establishment Details
Have you answered all the above questions?
Base of Operations Name
The operator prepares, offers for sale, or serves food that requires time/temperature control for safety, only to order upon a consumer’s request.
Days and Hours of Operation
License Plate #
Does the establishment have mobile food unit?
Are you selling cigarettes?
Tobacco Product Sales Permit Details
Cigar and/or smoking tobacco?
Type of Sales
Electronic nicotine delivery systems?
Received regulation copy?
Brands/Trade names for product sales
Received regulation copy?
Is the water supply public?
Is the plant constructed?
Massachusetts ice cream sales last year (In Gallons)
If yes, from whom?
Capacity of Freezers (In Gallons)
Location of Plants
# of Freezers
If no, mention the water source
Laboratory for monthly bacteria testing
Frozen Desserts Manufacturer Details
Is the mix purchased?

Food & Milk Establishment Permit

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan.
  • Food Safety Certifications.
  • Plan for management of grease, fats, and oils.
  • Allergen awareness training certificates.
  • Name of vendor for trash removal and frequency of removal.
  • Permit numbers for dumpsters (Permit from Peabody Fire Department required for dumpsters)
  • For Establishments with a base of operations, provide a copy of the leasing agreement.
  • Plan Review Documents.
    1. Name and Title of Designer and Contractor (include contact information for each).
    2. Total Square Feet of Food Establishment
    3. Floor plan showing location of all equipment (include storage for maintenance tools -brooms, mops etc.)
    4. Specifications for dry storage, including depths of shelves, total linear feet of shelving, storeroom floor area in sq.ft., clearance between shelves and floor, etc.
    5. Summary of hot water supply requirements.
    6. Summary of reach-in cooler and walk-in cooler space in gross cubic feet (cu ft).
    7. Summary of reach-in freezer and walk-in freezer space in gross cubic feet (cu ft).
    8. Material specifications for floors, ceilings and walls
    9. Proposed menu

    Frozen Desserts AND/OR Ice Cream Mix

  • Provide state hawker’s license. (For Mobile Vendors)
  • Tobacco Product Sales Permit

  • Massachusetts Department of Revenue Retailer License for Sale of Cigarettes (If applicable).
  • Massachusetts Department of Revenue Retailer License for Sale of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco (If applicable).
  • Massachusetts Department of Revenue Retailer License for Sale of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (If Applicable).

Late Fee Description Fee
Tobacco Products Sales Permit $50
Frozen Desserts Manufacturer License $25
Food Service Establishment $50
Retail Food Establishment $50
Amount Due

Fee Description Fee
Rodent Control Fee $25
Tobacco Products Sales Permit $100
Frozen Desserts Manufacturer License $25
Food Service Establishment $100 for 0-50 Seats
$125 for 51-150 Seats
$150 for 151-499 Seats
$1 for each additional seat above 499
Retail Food Establishment $50 for 0-1000 SqFt
$100 for 1001-10000 SqFt
$250 if more than 10000 SqFt
Fee Schedule
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand

Frozen Desserts AND/OR Ice Cream Mix

  • I hereby certify that the frozen desserts and/or ice cream mix I sell in Massachusetts will be manufactured in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts pertaining thereto and all rules and regulations promulgated by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health made thereunder and will be manufactured under sanitary conditions.
  • Food & Milk Establishment Permit

  • I hereby attest to the accuracy of the information provided in this application and I affirm that I will comply with the Federal Food Code and the State Sanitary Code and all other applicable codes. I will allow the Peabody Board of Health or its agent(s) access to this food establishment and to the records as allowed under said Codes.
  • Tobacco Product Sales Permit

  • I hereby agree to read and abide by the Regulation of the Peabody Board of Health Restricting the Sale of Tobacco Products and Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 270, Section 6 & 7. The applicant agrees to instruct all sales staff on the Regulations and federal, state and local laws regarding sales of tobacco products.
  • I hereby state that I have read and understand the requirements of the Regulation of the Peabody Board of Health Restricting the Sale of Tobacco Products.
  • Applicant Signature
    Preferred Payment Method