Do you want to request anonymously?   If "Yes", in order to receive updates on your concerns at minimum provide your email address.
Business Name (If applicable)
Records Access Request Under Freedom of Information Act (FOIL/FOIA)
First Name
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Fax: (516) 883-4535
Fax #
Request Type *
Requestor Information
Phone #
Last Name
  • Record Request
  • Fee Schedule, & Delivery
Click here to view the Statute
Timeframe for response is twenty (20) business days after custodian's receipt of request. Day one (1) is the day following the custodian's receipt of your request
Record Request Information
Please be as specific as possible in describing your request *
Request for "any and all" are generally considered too broad and may be returned for clarification.*
Number of Copies
2. The integrity of the records will not be jeopardized by such method of delivery.
1. The custodian has the technological means
@ $0.25 per page
We will notify you of any special charges or other additional charges authorized by the State law or regulation before processing your request. Payment shall be made by cash, check, or money order payable to the Village of Manorhaven.
Note that your preferred method of delivery will only be accommodated if:
Fee Schedule
How would you like to receive the information requested? *