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WHEREAS, as part of the Atlantic Highlands Shade Tree Commission tree planting activity for the public benefit, the Shade Tree Commission has determined that it will benefit the Borough to plant trees on private property in proximity to the public right of way upon permission being obtained from the property owner.
City, State, ZIP
Property Details
Upon completion of the planting, the shade tree will become part of the owner's property.
Permission to Plant a Tree
Phone #
100 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Phone #: (732) 291-1222 | Fax: (732) 291-9725
Mailing Address
The Owner, named above, agrees to give permission to Atlantic Highlands Shade Tree Commission to plant a shade tree in the approximate location as shown on the attached sketch. The Shade Tree Commission will restore the area of the owner's property disturbed to reasonable condition upon completion of the planting.
Owner of Record
Borough of
Atlantic Highlands
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