Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
City, State, ZIP *
Email *
Begin typing address and press enter or the magnifying glass to select from the populated dropdown *
Fee Schedule
Property Owner
Type *
Mailing Address *
Agent Details
Fax #
Phone #
Number of Working Smoke Detectors *
Phone # *
I hereby agree to operate the above described business in accordance with all the regulations and conditions imposed by the State of Delaware and the laws, ordinances, and regulations of the Town of Millsboro.
I further consent to inspection of the premises by the Town of Millsboro, its agents and employees, for the purpose of verifying information on my application.

Under penalty of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information contained herein is true and correct. I understand that any false statements could result in revocation or denial of permit. The undersigned has complied with all of the laws and ordinances of the Town of Millsboro and paid all taxes and assessments due to the Town on the above described property.
$65.00 - Single Family, Townhouse, Air BNB
$35.00 - Apartment (per unit)
$25.00 - Hotel/Motel (per room)
$50.00 - Self Management
Name *
Property Type *
Property Management *
* Cash, Check or Money Order made payable to the Town of Millsboro must be either mailed or dropped off at Town Hall.
Number of Bedrooms *
Fee Due
Phone # *
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
City, State, ZIP
Number of Units *
Emergency Contact Person Is *
Please state if other:
Application Type *
Name *
Address *
Applicant Signature *
Number of Rooms
Emergency Contact