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Click Here to Download SBA Form 413
Business Information
Is your business currently participating in the Urban Enterprise Zone program?
Total Loan Amount Requested *
Year began in City *
Click the "Select Files..." button to attach all supporting documents.

TIP: Documents attached may only have the following file extensions:
.PDF (Adobe Acrobat), .DOC (Microsoft Word), .JPG, .JPEG, .TIFF or .PNG

Are corporate/personal federal and state income tax payments current?
The following information is not required to process this application, nor will it be used to determine eligibility for a loan, but it does help to describe our borrowers to the citizens of Trenton.
Primary Address City, State, ZIP *
Select the Address of the Business. *
Federal Tax Identification # *
Primary Address *
Professional, Managerial, Technical
Is your business currently in the
Urban Enterprise Zone?
TIP: Addresses with North, South, etc. try typing the letter only. Example: "1000 W State St".
For Addresses with 1st, 2nd, etc. try typing the full street name. Example: "1 Second St".

If the address is not listed, type and select "Address Not Found".
I certify that this affidavit has been executed to induce the City of Trenton to consider a loan for the business located at the Business address selected above, in the City of Trenton New Jersey (hereafter known as Business) and certify that the undersigned is the Business Owner, or duly Authorized Agent of the Business Owner.

I certify that the information on this application is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I certify that no owner with at least 20% ownership is mayor, a City of Trenton Department Director, City Council member or staff of the Department of Economic Development, or a member of their immediate families.

The undersigned authorizes New Jersey Community Capital, its successors, assigns, agents, and/or participants to obtain information related to this loan request, including but not limited to, relevant financial information, credit reference and/or credit reports, and historical information about the applicant, its principals or affiliates. The undersigned also authorizes New Jersey Community Capital, its successors, assigns, agents, and/or participants to release any information obtained about the applicant and/or project in the application review or underwriting process to program partners. All proposals are subject to credit or investment approval. New Jersey Community Capital reserves all rights to publicly announce the approval, commitment or closing of any financing.

If I receive a loan, I acknowledge I will be required to execute a Loan Agreement.

I certify that I read and understand the conditions of this Loan and understand my responsibilities under these documents.
Employees at the Business Property
Please provide a detailed description of how you will use this loan, i.e. how much for payroll, how much for rent/mortgage, and how much for utilities, etc. All other uses are prohibited. *
Please provide a description of the need for this loan, including in which ways the coronavirus has negatively impacted your business. *
Phone Number *

Borrower Race
If "Yes" to any of the above, what is the status of those applications?
Do you own the property where
the business operates? *
Contact Person *
Business City *
Business Address for Loan *
Applicant Affidavit
City of
Disabled Person(s)
NJEDA Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant
If "Yes", are municipal property tax payments and water payments current?
Year Founded *
Please briefly describe the nature of your business or organization (1‐2 Sentences Max).
Low-moderate Income Person(s)
Borrower Diversity
Average Weekly Revenue in 2019
Are sale and other business
tax payments current?
Business Location
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Low Interest Loan Program
Are federal/state employee
withholding tax payments current?
Please indicate the last FULL calendar week in 2020, starting on a Monday, that the business generated revenue.
Is this business owned (50% or more) by:
Applicant Signature *

Please attach the following documents. 

  • Business Registration – State of New Jersey
  • Business License – City of Trenton 
  • Proof that your municipal taxes and water bill is current
  • All owners with at least 20% ownership must submit their most recent business and personal tax return.

All owners with at least 20% ownership must complete Personal Financial Statement SBA Form 413.

Business Name *
Email *
Applicant Information
Funds Request
Ownership Structure *
319 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
(609) 989-3187
LGBTQ+ Person(s)
Indicate the number of people presently employed at the Business property. *
Borrower Ethnicity
Skilled, Semi-Skilled
For what other emergency loans or grants did you apply?
SBA Paycheck Protection Program