Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Last Name *
Phone # *
Professional Office
Is Seating Available?
Email *
ATMs *
Proof of Business Liability Insurance must be attached in order to process your application.
Business Details
On August 5, 2022 Governor Murphy signed into law S-1368, now P.L. 2022 c.92 requiring all business owners and owners of multi-family rental units to maintain liability insurance for negligent acts and omissions in an amount of no less than $500,000.00 for combined property damage and bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident or occurrence. The Act includes a partial exemption for a multi-family home, provided it is four units or fewer and one of those four units is owner-occupied. Liability insurance for negligence acts and omissions in an amount of no less than $300,000.00 for combined property damage and bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in any one accident or occurrence must be maintained. The Act further requires that an owner of a business, of a rental unit or rental units, or of a multi-family home of four or fewer units register the Certificate of Insurance demonstrating compliance with the coverage amounts required in the Act with the municipality in which the business or rental units are located.
Registration Type *
If Yes, how many?
Address *
Restaurant Type (If Applicable)
Address 2
Vending Machines *
Mailing City, State, ZIP
Food Market Type (If Applicable)
If Yes, how many?
Tourism Fee
Burglar Alarm
If Yes, how many?
Phone # *
Do you provide outdoor dining?
Video Games *
Business Name *
Business Category (If Other)
Emergency Contact Details
Building Owner Details
State *
Federal ID # *
Phone # *
Fee Schedule
Total Fee Due
Last Name *
Waste Management Company
Phone #
Business Category *
First Name *
Date and Times of Pickup
Phone #
Attachments *
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Applicant Signature *
Business Owner Details
Food Establishment Only:
ATM Machine
Description *
First Name *
City *
Alarm Company Details
Central Station
Outdoor Dining Permit
Knock Box
Square Feet
Vending Machine
Fire Alarm
Address *
Video Games