Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Do you want copies? *
Copies: $0.25 (25 cents) per page for reproduction. (2 sided copies count as 2 pages).

Certification of a Record: $1.00 per record, not per page. Please note that certification fees do not include notarization fees.

Prepayment: Prior to granting a request for access in accordance with this Act, the County may require a requester to prepay an estimate of the fees authorized under this section if the fees required to fulfill the request are expected to exceed $100.

Other fees cannot be determined prior to reviewing the request. These fees include:
• Specialized documents (complex data sets, GIS data, property assessment lists)
• Facsimile/Microfiche/Other Media
• Redaction Fee
• Postage Fees
• Statutory Fees
• Enhanced Electronic Access
• Waiver Of Fees
Other fees may be imposed if the County necessarily incurs costs for complying with the request.

Please see section 8 FEES of the attached County of Lycoming RTK Policy.pdf for more details about these other fees https://www.lyco.org/Portals/1/Commissioners/RTK/POLICY%201300.pdf

Acceptable forms of payment: cash and check - make check payable to County of Lycoming

Do you want certified copies of records? *
Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law
The Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law can be found at https://www.openrecords.pa.gov/Documents/RTKL/PA_Right-To-Know_Law.pdf
City *
State *
Review Lycoming County's Policy and procedures at https://www.lyco.org/Portals/1/Commissioners/RTK/POLICY%201300.pdf
Do you want to inspect the records in person? *
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
(570) 320-2124
If available, how would you like the records delivered? *
Right-to-Know Request
Last Name *
Fee Schedule
Do you want to be notified in advance if the cost exceeds $100? *
Lycoming County Policy and Procedures
Phone # *
If your request is related to a property, please specify the address
County *
Please be as specific as possible in describing the records being requested *
Company Name
First Name *
Fax #
Signature *
Email *