Rain Date "End Date and Time"
Event End Date and Time
Event Type
Rain Date "Start Date & Time"
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Event Description
Parcel ID #
If Other, Please Specify
Event Start Date and Time
Is there an Insurance Applied?
If the Event Type is not listed below, please call 609-361-6697.
Event Details
  • Instructions
  • Contacts
  • Intended Use of Premises
  • Attachments
Instructions (Insurance Required)

The contractual provisions set forth in the special events instructions are incorporated herein by reference.

  1. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. As an express condition of and in consideration of the grant of authority to engage in the event, the Applicant expressly, knowingly, and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Township of Long Beach, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and others working on behalf of the Township from and against any loss, damages, claims, causes of action, liabilities, obligations, penalties, demands, and any and all other costs and expenses, including attorneys’fees and costs, threatened against, suffered, and/or incurred by the Township, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and others working on behalf of the Township arising out of and/or in any manner relating to the authorized event and the acts and/or omissions of the Applicant, its officers, owners, agents, employees, independent contractors, guests, volunteers, others working on behalf of the Applicant, and/or customers relating thereto. The Applicant shall be responsible and liable for the payment of any and all of the foregoing attorney’s fees and costs, to attorneys of the Township’s selection, for any investigation and review, pre-litigation, litigation, post-judgment litigation, and any and all appeals arising out of and/or relating to this application and agreement. Further, the existence of any available and/or applicable insurance shall not waive or release Applicant from the Applicant’s obligations set forth in this applicant and agreement.
  2. Consideration. Upon approval of the application, the Applicant shall be responsible to pay the Township the facility fee set by the Board of Commissioners within ten (10) days of the date of approval and prior to the event, if any. All payments shall be made payable to the Township of Long Beach. In the event payment is not made, the event shall be terminated.
  3. Compliance with Laws and Conduct. Applicant shall observe and comply with all laws and regulations. The maximum occupancy set by the Township shall not be exceeded. If in the Township’s sole determination, the Applicant and/or the Applicant’s employees, agents, invitees, and/or guests appear noticeably under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances or exhibit behavior, conduct, or acts that would reflect negatively upon the Township or are socially unacceptable, the Township shall have the right to terminate this contract and have the offenders removed from the premises with no liability on the part of the Township. Applicant acknowledges that no weapons of any kind, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances are permitted on or to be consumed on the Township’s property. In the event the Township terminates the event or otherwise takes action pursuant to this Paragraph, the consideration paid by the Applicant shall be retained by the Township.
  4. Use of Township Property. The Applicant shall use the property for the specific event alone and shall not be permitted to use it for any other purpose or at any other time. If the Applicant fails to remove its personal property, materials, and equipment following the event, the property shall, at the option of Township, either: (a) be deemed abandoned and shall become the property of the Township; or (b) the Township shall have the right to remove, dispose of, and/or store said property at the expense of the Applicant and the Applicant shall indemnify the Township as set forth in the Indemnification provisions of this application relating to the removal of the aforesaid. In the event the Township elects to store the Applicant’s property, materials, and equipment and the Applicant does not take possession of same within ten (10) days after the Township has taken possession, the Township may elect to dispose of same or deem it abandoned.
  5. Assumption of Risk. The Applicant hereby freely assumes all risks arising from and/or relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any harm, injury, or loss that may occur to the Applicant and the Applicant’s property as a result this Agreement.

Special Event Instructions

  1. Consult with the Recreaton Department on date and type of event.
  2. Applicaton, Hold Harmless, and Insurance Certificate are to be handed in at one time or application won’t be considered.
  3. If alcoholic beverages are to be served, an application to the ABC must be approved at least 2 weeks before the event.
  4. Raffle and 50/50 application must be submited at least 6 weeks before the event.
  5. Special requests such as suspended alternate side parking, traffic control, DPW assistance with set-up/breakdown must be requested when applying for special events.
  6. Rain dates need to be on application and insurance certificate.
  7. If the event is a walk, run, or race of any kind, a map of the designated route must be atached. These types of events often require a Parade Permit from Ocean County - if Long Beach Blvd is part of the designated route. For a Parade Permit from Ocean County, please call the Ocean County Engineer’s Office at 732-929-2130 for an application. Approval of the Long Beach Township’s Police Traffic Safety Officer is also required to obtain formal approval.

Insurance Requirements

Certificate of Insurance naming the Township of Long Beach (6805 Long Beach Blvd Brant Beach, NJ 08008) as additionally insured is required. For non-alcohol events, the general liability, bodily injury, and property damage coverage must not be less than $1,000,000. For events that include alcohol, the coverage must be no less than $3,000,000.

In the description box must note the date and address of the event in Long Beach Township with the rain dates.


Approval Process

All special events are reviewed by the Business Administrator, Recreation Department, Department of Public Works, Beach Patrol, Police Department, Municipal Clerk, Insurance Fund Commissioner, and Board of Commissioners. Once reviewed and signed off, the event permit is granted.


The contractual provisions set forth in the special events instructions are incorporated herein by reference.

  1. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. As an express condition of and in consideration of the grant of authority to engage in the event, the Applicant expressly, knowingly, and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Township of Long Beach, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and others working on behalf of the Township from and against any loss, damages, claims, causes of action, liabilities, obligations, penalties, demands, and any and all other costs and expenses, including attorneys’fees and costs, threatened against, suffered, and/or incurred by the Township, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and others working on behalf of the Township arising out of and/or in any manner relating to the authorized event and the acts and/or omissions of the Applicant, its officers, owners, agents, employees, independent contractors, guests, volunteers, others working on behalf of the Applicant, and/or customers relating thereto. The Applicant shall be responsible and liable for the payment of any and all of the foregoing attorney’s fees and costs, to attorneys of the Township’s selection, for any investigation and review, pre-litigation, litigation, post-judgment litigation, and any and all appeals arising out of and/or relating to this application and agreement. Further, the existence of any available and/or applicable insurance shall not waive or release Applicant from the Applicant’s obligations set forth in this applicant and agreement.
  2. Consideration. Upon approval of the application, the Applicant shall be responsible to pay the Township the facility fee set by the Board of Commissioners within ten (10) days of the date of approval and prior to the event, if any. All payments shall be made payable to the Township of Long Beach. In the event payment is not made, the event shall be terminated.
  3. Maximum Occupancy. The maximum occupancy set by the Township shall not be exceeded.
  4. Compliance with Laws. Applicant shall observe and comply with all Federal, State of New Jersey, County of Ocean, and Township laws and regulations. The Applicant shall be responsible for all required inspections, permits, and approvals, if any.
  5. Conduct. If in the Township’s sole determination, the Applicant and/or the Applicant’s employees, agents, invitees, and/or guests appear noticeably under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances or exhibit behavior, conduct, or acts that would reflect negatively upon the Township or are socially unacceptable as determined by the Township, the Township shall have the right to terminate this contract and have the offenders removed from the premises with no liability on the part of the Township. Applicant acknowledges that no weapons of any kind, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances are permitted on or to be consumed on the Township’s property. In the event the Township terminates the event or otherwise takes action pursuant to this Paragraph, the consideration paid by the Applicant shall be retained by the Township.
  6. Limited License. Applicant expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Applicant is granted a limited license to use the Field Station for the purposes set forth herein and that the limited license shall not constitute a lease of the Field Station by the Township to the Applicant. The Applicant shall have no possessory interest in the Field Station and the Applicant’s interest to use the Field Station is limited to the limited license granted herein.
  7. Use of Township Property. The Applicant shall use the property for the specific event alone and shall not be permitted to use it for any other purpose or at any other time. The Applicant shall be permitted to access the property up to one-half (1/2) hour prior to the event to make preparations. Prior to the event, the Applicant shall inspect the property and report any damages and any defective, hazardous, or dangerous conditions found to the Township and the Applicant shall not use the property until such defective, hazardous, or dangerous conditions are remedied. After the use of the property, the Applicant shall immediately report in writing to the Township any and all defects, hazards, damages, or dangerous conditions. At conclusion of the event, the Applicant shall remove all of the Applicant’s equipment, personal property, and materials from the property and the Applicant shall surrender the property in broom clean condition and in as good condition as it was prior to the Applicant’s access for the event. If the Applicant fails to remove its personal property, materials, and equipment following the event, the property shall, at the option of Township, either: (a) be deemed abandoned and shall become the property of the Township; or (b) the Township shall have the right to remove, dispose of, and/or store said property at the expense of the Applicant and the Applicant shall indemnify the Township as set forth in the Indemnification provisions of this application relating to the removal of the aforesaid. In the event the Township elects to store the Applicant’s property, materials, and equipment and the Applicant does not take possession of same within ten (10) days after the Township has taken possession, the Township may elect to dispose of same or deem it abandoned.
  8. Sale of Merchandise. The Applicant is permitted to sell t-shirts, literature, compact discs, hats, and other related merchandise alone.
  9. Intellectual Property. Applicant shall be solely responsible for the payment of any and all royalty fees payable as a result of the performance of any copyrighted music or matters performed pursuant to the copyright laws of the United States or any other country, and, as set forth at greater length in Paragraph 8, shall hold harmless and indemnify Township from any claims therefrom.
  10. Assumption of Risk. The Applicant hereby freely assumes all risks arising from and/or relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any harm, injury, or loss that may occur to the Applicant and the Applicant’s property as a result this Agreement.


Instructions (No Insurance Required)
Organization Details
City, State, ZIP
City, State, ZIP
Phone #
Same as Applicant?
Applicant Details
Phone #
City, State, ZIP
Primary Contact Details
Phone #
If Yes, Please Explain
Municipal Services Requested:
Need Alternate Side Parking Waived?
Did You Apply for a Raffle or 50/50 License?
Did You Apply for Social Affairs Permit?
If Other, Please Specify
Are Alcoholic Beverages to be Served?
Will Live Entertainment be Provided?
Intended Use of Premises (Insurance Required)
Social Affairs Permit #
If Yes, Please Specify
Permit or Reserved Parking for Organizers?
Arts and Crafts
Total # of People Anticipated
If Yes, When was the Application Submitted?
If Yes, Please Explain
If Yes, List the Times of Entertainment
# of Parking for Parking Spots Requested
Please list any other items or information that might not be on the form. For example, will there be tents, port a potties, handwashing sinks, ice machines, or other items delivered on Township property for the event. Include when companies are dropping off, setting up, and picking up the items. Please attach a layout map of the event with your application
Do you Need 4x4 Access on Beach?
Need Beach Buggy Permit Waived?
If Yes, Please Explain
If Yes, Please Explain
Beach Patrol
Intended Use of Premises (No Insurance Required)
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand

Please attach the following documents:

  1. Layout Map of the Event
  2. Insurance Certificate (if applicable)

Note: The following event types require an Insurance Certificate:

  • Arts/Crafts (may need an Insurance Certificate; please call 609-361-6697 for confirmation)
  • Surf/SUP/Yoga/Fitness/Sports/Runs
  • Non-Profit Festival
  • Community/Taxpayer Association
  • Fishing Tournament
I certify that all facts, information, and attachments to this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have not misrepresented any information.
Applicant Signature