Site Information
Estimated End Date
Purpose of Driveway, Curb Cut and/or Sidewalk
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Search site location by address
Estimated Start Date
Additional Streets or Location Description
Use the map below to further specify the location of the work site (if applicable). Note that map will not display until address is populated above. Click EDIT and grab the map area until the black crosshair in the center is at the location of the work site, then click SAVE.
Geographic Location
  • General Instructions
  • Contacts
  • Type of Work
  • Proposed Work
  • Attachments
  • Certification

The following items shall be considered as a condition of this permit and failure to comply will be reason for revocation and/or other penalties as determined by City Ordinances:

  • Traffic control shall be per the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition, and other applicable sections of the Ohio Revised Code and Codified Ordinances of the City of Newark, Ohio. The contractor shall provide, erect and remove all signs, barricades and other necessary traffic control devices to warn and/or detour traffic around construction work. All traffic control shall be in place prior to any work activities.
  • Street pavement and sidewalk replacement, including trench fill material shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City current on the date of approval of this permit. The City Engineer shall determine the thickness and composition of the pavement.
  • The applicant shall notify all utilities and the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (1-800-362-2764) no less than 48 hours prior to any excavation activities. (ORC 153.64)
  • The applicant shall restore all areas disturbed by his/her operations to their original, or better condition, insofar as practical.
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the Newark Police Department (740-670-7200) and to pay any applicable fees for special duty law enforcement officers. A minimum of 72 hours’ notice is required.
  • A copy of this permit must be placed on site during the hours of activity that was stated on the permit application.


The following phone numbers are provided for your convenience:

  • Newark City Departments 
    • City Engineer....................740-670-7727
    • Safety Director.................740-670-7710
    • Service Director...............740-670-7707
    • Street Department..........740-670-7734
    • Traffic Control..................740-670-7734
    • Police Department..........740-670-7200
    • 911 Center..........................740-349-6758


  • Public Utilities
    • American Electric Power........1-800-672-2231
    • Columbia Gas................................1-800-344-4077
    • Charter/Spectrum Cable.........1-800-489-4139
    • The Energy Cooperative..............740-344-2102
    • Kinetic/Windstream.................1-877-848-4966


  • Ohio Utilities Protection Service
    • 1-800-362-2764 or 811 (Free Service)


General Instructions
Owner same as applicant?
City, State, ZIP
Contractor same as the applicant?
City, State, ZIP
Contractor Information
Applicant Information
Phone #
City, State, ZIP
Phone #
Phone #
Owner Information
Replace Existing
Shoulder Closure
New Construction
Lane Closure
Full Road Closure
Parking Restriction
Type of Work (Check all that apply)
If "Other"
Impact to Traffic (Check all that apply)
Sidewalk Closure
Curb Cut
E: Length of Sidewalk being constructed
A: Width of Driveway surface, beyond flare, radius, or sidewalk
Curb and Gutter
C: Width of flare at existing curb and gutter street or Radius of flare at existing Non-Curb and Gutter street
Type of Exisitng Street (Check all that apply)
B: Width of Driveway at edge of street pavement
*Use the following drawing as a reference when filling out the above fields.
*If the Driveway joins a street without existing curb and gutter, a driveway culvert pipe is required. The size of the pipe (12” minimum diameter) and location will be determined by the City or by the design engineer.
Non-Curb and Gutter
D: Width of Sidewalk being constructed
Proposed Work Information
If "Other", please specify
The following materials and information are attached to this permit request (check all that apply):
Please attach required documents below:

- Site Plan
- Construction Plan
- Specifications
- Traffic Control Plan
- Detour Plan
- Sketches

Construction Drawings
Traffic Control or Detour Plan
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Applicant Signature
I/We the undersigned do hereby state that the information provided herein and contained on any attachments are true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We agree to abide by all laws, standards, regulations, ordinances of the City of Newark and the State of Ohio. I/We understand that failure to comply with the above may result in revocation of this permit. I/We accept all and full liability for my/our work and/or actions.