Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
City *
# of Res Units *
New Buyer Details *
Address *
State *
Property Owner Details
Is the property vacant?
Planning/Zoning Board Approval
Type *
Important Notice
By signing below, I the owner certify that all of the information provided in this application is true and accurate. I certify that this dwelling and all other structures on the property meet the zoning requirements of The City of Elizabeth I attest to the fact that no rubbish/debris/bulk garbage will be left on this property prior to new occupancy. I understand that failure to comply will result in retraction of the CCO and a summons will be issued. I understand that this applies to all properties that fall within The City of Elizabeth.

Please contact Jasmin Torres at (908) 820-4090 to schedule an appointment.

If Yes, Supply the State Registration Number
Business Type
50 Winfield Scott Plaza
Elizabeth, NJ 07201
(908) 820-4090 and 908-820-4014
Contact Person Details
Address *
Is the property to be demolished?
# of Com Units *
Name *
Property Squared Footage
Provide details for whom to send correspondences to and to contact for inspections.   If this person is also either the Owner or Agent, you do not need to provide the same email address again, as this will cause duplicate notifications to be sent.
Certificate of Continued
Occupancy Application
Email *
Fax #
Please list at least one new buyer/owner and any additional below.
Address *
Contact Name
Fee Schedule and Delivery Options
A Smoke Certificate is required for ALL 1 and 2 Family homes (not included with this application), duplexes and condos included.
No CO will be issued on 1 & 2 family homes without a copy of Smoke and Carbon Monoxided Certificates. Copy of original certificate must be submitted to our office. 3 family dwellings or more do not require a Smoke Certificate but instead require a State Certificate of Registration.
Preferred method of delivery:
Closing Date (If Applicable)
Fire Prevention: 411 Irvington Ave, 3rd Fl, Elizabeth, NJ, 07201, (908) 820-4040.
Do you have an agent or attorney?
Phone #
First Name *
Property Details
Last Name *
Contact Person *
City *
Begin typing address and select from the populated dropdown *
Name *
Please provide any additional information you may have about this application below
Address *
Certificate of Continuing Occupancy will be issued within 3 business days upon receipt of Smoke Certification for one- and two-family homes.
Pick-up is between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Application Fee
Agent/Attorney Details
City of Elizabeth
Address 2
Phone *
Finished Basement
3 Family and Above? *
Zip *
Pay Online? *
City, State, ZIP *
Accessory Structures
Phone # *
Phone # *
State *
Property Use
Additional Information
Only affidavits on an attorney letter head are allowed to be attached to this application. Affidavits notarized by a public notary are to be handed in as originals.

Please attach a copy of your Smoke Detector Certificate should the property be occupied.