Rules & Regulations
Begin typing the property address and select from the populated dropdown
Property Type
Parcel ID #
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Proposed Items

Chapter 195. Land Use and Development
Part 3. Zoning

Article XXII. General Regulations, Exceptions and Modifications

§ 195-120. Fences and walls.

[Amended 8-11-2004 by Ord. No. 04-11]
  1. Fences and walls shall be exempt from the yard requirements of this Part 3.

  2. Where any fence or wall is situated on a corner lot, the provisions of § 195-119 shall apply with respect to the height limitations for visibility clearance at street intersections.

  3. No fence or wall hereafter erected, constructed or added to that is situated between two abutting residential properties shall be any greater in height than 6 1/2 feet, measured from the finished grade elevation along the length of such wall or fence.

  4. In the case of a residential corner lot, a fence or wall of any type not greater than 6.5 feet in height may be permitted to extend along the right-of-way where such wall or fence encloses the yard area of a home located on a corner lot, providing that the conditions of § 195-119 are also met and that no such fence shall be allowed beyond a parallel line extended from the front facing side of the home to the right-of-way. [Amended 8-18-2014 by Ord. No. 14-22]

  5. Nothing in this section shall apply to shrubbery, hedges or other plantings located between such properties.

  6. Open security fences up to eight feet high shall be permitted in any industrial zone upon proper application to the Construction Code Official.

  7. The face, or finished side, of a fence or wall shall face the adjacent property.

  8. No fence or wall shall be constructed with barbed wire, metal spikes or other such dangerous material or constructed in such a manner as to be dangerous to animals or humans.

    fences shall not be permitted to be constructed in the front yard of any residential and any such fence shall be required to be open, partial or board-on-board, except as specifically allowed per § 195-120D. [Amended 8-18-2014 by Ord. No. 14-22]

  9. Solid Fences shall not be permitted to be constructed in the front yard of any residential property and any such fence shall be required to be open, partial or board-on-board, except as specifically allowed per 195-120D.[Amended 8-18-2014 by Ord. No. 14-22]

  10. Prior to the installation of fencing in the Township, a permit shall be obtained from the building Department
Property Information
Property Address
  • Contacts
  • Project
  • Fence & Shed
  • Submittal Requirements
  • Fees & Certification
Owner is Applicant?
Applicant Information
Owner Information
Business Name (if applicable)
Phone #
Business Name (if applicable)
City, State, ZIP
City, State, ZIP
Phone #
Parking Spaces Required
Describe in detail the activity or activities to be conducted in the principle building and any accessory activities to be conducted in any of the accessory buildings
Side Setback ( R )
Side Setback (L)
Bldg. Cov. %
State whether any of the activities described in Parking details are conducted as a non-conforming use: (If so, state facts supporting this contention)
Principal Structure
Bldg. Height
Corner Lot Setback
Rear Setback
Rear Setback
Has the above premises been the subject of any prior application to the zoning board of adjustment or Planning board?
Front Setback
Impervious Coverage
Provide a concise description of the proposed use
Bldg. Coverage
Dimension of all Accessory Building
Front Setback
Lot Dimensions
Side Setback (R)
Side Setback ( L )
# Stories
If yes, please describe
# of Existing Parking Spaces
Project Information
Square Footage
Is the Fence on a Corner Property?

*A survey will be required showing the location and distance to property lines.
*Sheds will not be permitted within front setbacks of corner lots.
*Prevailing Front setback takes precedence. Side: 5' Side: 5'
*One shed permitted per lot. Maximum size 200 sq. ft. with a 10' height.
*Over 10' in height will require a building permit.
Side Yard Setback (In)
Height of Fence
Description of Fence
Corner Lot
Width (In)
Depth (In)
Total Area
Style of Fence
Size (In)
Existing Shed?
Fence Class
Height (In)
Rear Yard Setback (In)
*       Also requires permit from the Clark Building and Zoning Department
**     Also requires permit from the Clark Building and Zoning Department and review from the {[CNAME]} Fire Department
Submittal Requirements
     New Construction (Multi-Family)*
  • 1 Set of Site Plans w/ application & 3 more upon approva
  • 6 Construction Drawings
  • 2 of the required 5 full sets (site and construction) must be reduced - 11" x 17" max.
  • 2 landscaping plans
  • 2 photo-metric lighting plans
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
Residential Applications
     New Construction (Single Family/Duplex)*
  • 1 Set of Site Plans w/ application & 3 more upon approva
  • 4 Sets of construction Drawings
  • 2 of the required 4 sets (site and construction) must be reduced - 11" x 17" max.
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
Click the “Select files…” button below to attach all applicable documents.
The Planning and Zoning Department processes Zoning Certificates for all commercial and residential improvements in {[CNAME]}. You must obtain a Zoning Certificate before you start construction on your project. When filing for an application please make sure that you provide complete and accurate information so staff can efficently review plans. Below is a partial list of improvement activities that require a Zoning Certificate. Please review the list below and provide the appropriate documents and quantities when you submit your application.

If you have any questions please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at {[APHONE]}
     Tenant Finish, Remodel, Addition**
  • 6 Site plans (to scale)
  • 6 Construction Drawings
  • 2 of the required 6 full sets (site and construction) must be reduced - 11" x 17" max.
  • 2 landscaping plans
  • 2 photo-metric lighting plans
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
     Residential Fences and Sheds less than 200 Square feet
  • 1 Set of Site Plans w/ application & 2 more upon approval
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
     New Commercial Building**
  • 6 Site plans (to scale)
  • 6 Construction Drawings
  • 2 of the required 6 full sets (site and construction) must be reduced - 11" x 17" max.
  • 2 landscaping plans
  • 2 photo-metric lighting plans
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
     Permanent Signs, Patio, Awnings, commercial fence*
  • 6 Site plans (to scale)
  • 6 Construction Drawings
  • 2 of the required 5 full sets (site and construction) must be reduced - 11" x 17" max.
  • 2 landscaping plans
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
     Accessory Building/Structure**
  • 6 Site plans (to scale)
  • 6 Construction Drawings
  • 2 of the required 5 full sets (site and construction) must be reduced - 11" x 17" max.
  • 2 landscaping plans
  • 2 photo-metric lighting plans
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
     All decks, pools Residential Remodeling/additions and Accessory      Structures and sheds (greater than 200 square feet)*
  • 1 Set of Site Plans w/ application & 3 more upon approval
  • 4 Sets of construction Drawings
  • 2 of the required 4 sets (site and construction) must be reduced - 11" x 17" max.
  • Digital Copy of all plans required
Commercial Applications
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Application Fees
Applicant Signature

I hereby apply for a zoning certificate from {[CNAME]}. I affirm that all information provided herewith is true and correct, and that I am authorized to make this application. I understand and agree that any zoning certificate issued may be revoked if error, omission or misrepresentation occurred concerning this application.
Proposed Items Fee
Zoning Application - Residential $25
Zoning Application - Commercial $100
Residential Fence Permit $60
Filming Permit $100
The project details will be reviewed and all fees will be assesed by the Zoning Official.

Payment must be received before Zoning Certificate will be issued.