Complete Name *
Required Documentation
Person Responsible for Placement and Maintenance of Bin *
Closest Address *
Mailing City, State, ZIP *
City *
Phone # *
Address *
Mailing Address *
Describe the Exact Placement of the Bin *
Begin typing the closest address and select it from drop-down *
Daytime Phone # *
List all names and telephone numbers of the bona fide office of any person or entity which may share or profit from any clothing or other donations collected via the bin, and of any entities which may do so during the period covered by the permit, at which such person can be reached during normal business hours.
Property Owner Information
Click the 'Add New Record' button for each office, enter all required information and click Update to save.
Last Name *
Provide the Property Owners Daytime Phone # *
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Describe the manner in which the (responsible) person anticipates any clothing or other donations collected via the bin would be used, sold, or dispensed, and the method by which the proceeds of collected donations would be allocated or spent.
If "Renewal Application" and bin is being relocated, Address of the previous location
Lot *
Mailing Address *
Clothing Bin Location
Applicant Details
Written consent and signature by the property owner is required to place a Charitable Clothing Bin on any property.
State *
First Name *
Is this a New or Renewal Application? *
State *
City *
The fee can be made in the form of a certified check, personal check or money order, payable to "{[CNAME]}".
The Clerks office is located at {[ADDR]} {[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Block *
Placement of Bins and Maintenance
Click 'Select Files' to attach files to this application.
Charity Recipient Information
Manner of Use
Name *
Email *
Bona Fide Office List

{[CNAME]} shall not grant an application for a permit to place, use, or employ a donation clothing bin if it determines that the placement of the bin could constitute a safety hazard. Such hazards shall include, but not be limited to, the placement of a donation clothing bin within 100 yards of any place which stores or sells large amounts of fuel or other flammable liquids or gases; or the placement of a bin where it interferes with vehicular or pedestrian circulation.

The person placing, using or employing a donation clothing bin shall maintain the bin and the area surrounding the bin such that there shall be no accumulation of clothing or other donations outside the bin.

The following information shall be clearly and conspicuously displayed on the exterior of the donation clothing bin:
  • The permit number and its date of expiration
  • The name and address of the registered person who owns the bin, and of any other entity which may share or profit from any clothing or other donations collected via the bin
  • The telephone number of the owner's bona fide office, and, if applicable, the telephone number of the bona fide office of any other entity which may share or profit from any clothing or other donations collected via the bin. For the purposes of this subsection, an answering machine or service unrelated to the person does not constitute a bona fide office

Prior to adding, removing, or relocating any bin, a written request must be submitted to the clerk’s office for approval.