Last Name
Phone #
Do you permit BYOB?
Business Description
Food Vendor License
Business Details
Registration Type
Phone #
First Name
Unit #
Issue Date
Mobile #
Federal ID #
Phone #
Establishment Name
The City of
Emergency Contact Details
NOTE: Addresses are based on the Tax Assessment Records - if the address doesn't appear, enter the closest address available. You can then search by Ownership or by Block and Lot Here
Liquor License Number
First Name
Business Owner Details
512 Springfield Ave
Summit, NJ 07901
(908) 273-6400
Do you have a Liquor License?
Business Operator's Name
Expiration Date
Sidewalk Cafe Lease Agreement Fee
Last Name
Address Search
Emergency Position
  • Parklet/Outdoor Dining
  • Food Establishments
  • Sidewalk Cafe
  • Sidewalk Cafe/Parklet/Outdoor Dining Checklist
  • Class Descriptions
  • Affirmation
  • Hold Harmless
  • Attachments and Certification
Fill in all fields pertaining to the Registration Type on each of the tabs and add any necessary attachments prior to submitting this application.
You can review the complete ordinance governing Food Establishments and Food Vendor Licensing here:
Phone #
* CAFÉS WITHOUT RETAIL CONSUMPTION LIQUOR LICENSE:  If beer/wine consumption (BYOB) is permitted at your sidewalk café, it is not to be
sold or provided in any way by the café license holder.  Proof of $1 million Liquor Liability insurance required.

* CAFÉS WITH RETAIL CONSUMPTION LIQUOR LICENSE:  If alcohol consumption is permitted at your sidewalk café, lease agreement must be
requested from and approved by Common Council EACH YEAR.  Proof of $1 million Liquor Liability insurance required.

* Café Plan:  Identification of adjacent properties, Drawing (to scale), Statement of seating capacity, Statement of inside/outside storage - (4-20.9k).
You may attach a copy of these plans, but you must mail a hard copy to our office to complete the application process.

* Indemnification Agreement:  (4-20.6) - Please review and sign where provided on the "Hold Harmless" tab.

Parklet/Outdoor Dining
Documentation and Attachments
Seating Capacity
Plan Preparer Name
(Please attach Proof of Non-Profit status)
Does Food Establishment require seating? *
Is this a Non-Profit? *
Food Establishment Seating
Class 1 and 2: No Seating available
Class 3: Seating for up to and including twelve (12) people
Class 4: Seating for up to and including twenty-five (25) people
Class 5: Seating for up to and including fifty (50) people
Class 6: Seating for fifty-one (51) or more people

See the "Class Description" tab for full Classification details and Fees.
Food Establishment
Details of proposed signage if proposed Product description, detailed measurements, or prior year photo acceptable
Plan contains name, phone, email of person who drafted plan with draft date
Statement on how sidewalk café will be stored (storage statement)
Phone #
Sidewalk Cafe
* CAFÉS WITHOUT RETAIL CONSUMPTION LIQUOR LICENSE:  If beer/wine consumption (BYOB) is permitted at your sidewalk café, it is not to be
sold or provided in any way by the café license holder.  Proof of $1 million Liquor Liability insurance required.

* CAFÉS WITH RETAIL CONSUMPTION LIQUOR LICENSE:  If alcohol consumption is permitted at your sidewalk café, lease agreement must be
requested from and approved by Common Council EACH YEAR.  Proof of $1 million Liquor Liability insurance required.

* Café Plan:  Identification of adjacent properties, Drawing (to scale), Statement of seating capacity, Statement of inside/outside storage - (4-20.9k).
You may attach a copy of these plans, but you must mail a hard copy to our office to complete the application process.

* Indemnification Agreement:  (4-20.6) - Please review and sign where provided on the "Hold Harmless" tab.

Plan Preparer Name *
Details of proposed barrier(s) Product description, specs, catalog photo, or prior year photo acceptable
Details of umbrella(s) if proposed Umbrella(s) must clear sidewalk by at least 7 feet and is/are no higher than 10 feet. Signs not permitted on umbrellas(s)
Signed letters for sidewalk café permission from adjacent tenant(s) if applicable (i.e. café is in front of adjacent business(es) in addition to applicant business
Plan shows All tables and chairs and adjacent features including but not limited to
Properties need to comply to ADA door requirements. For corner properties, a 5-foot ADA clearance radius at sidewalk entrance appears on plan
Plans shows width of restaurant frontage, entrance door and curb line
Plan is drawn to scale Your plan must show locations and distances precisely and accurately on a single sheet of paper. The proportion chosen for your plan is its scale. Simply defined, scale is the relationship between the distance on the plan and the distance on the ground (e.g. 1 inch on the plan equals 10 feet on the sidewalk).
Details of proposed heater(s) if proposed (Production description, specs, catalog photo, or prior year photo acceptable)
Documentation and Attachments
Sidewalk Cafe Plan Checklist
Seating Capacity *
The scale is stated on the plan (e.g. 1 inch on the plan equals 10 feet on the sidewalk)
Exact table/chair distances and 4-foot pedestrian pathway is written on the plan
Plan is on paper size of 11x17 or less showing location of all tables and chairs.
1 to 10 Seats, no more than two tables		$140.00
11 to 25 Seats 							$345.00
26 to 50 Seats 							$485.00
Over  50 Seats 							$565.00
Must be accompanied by the written authorization and approval of the building owner, if other than the applicant.
Must abide by all applicable requirements in Section 4-20.9, Rules, Regulations and Specifications.
Must show pedestrian barrier with description.
Must include identification of all contiguous properties (4-20.4b.1), all structures, fixtures, equipment, etc. to be used for operating Sidewalk Café .
Must also be drawn to scale per ordinance, not to exceed 11” x 17”.
Must provide statement of seating capacity and tables .
Must provide statement of inside/outside storage (equipment brought inside each night OR where and how it will be secured outside).
Must show required 4-foot pedestrian passageway (4-20.4b.2) .
Sidewalk Cafe/Parklet/Outdoor Dining Plan Checklist
Must include any permanent fixtures (fire hydrants, signs, tree wells, utility poles, etc.) .
Class Descriptions

Class 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                       $70.00
    1. Prepackaged foods only.
    2. No food preparation.
    3. No seating.
Class 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                       $140.00
    1. Prepackaged foods only
    2. Minimal food preparation and required food service equipment (i.e. coffee service only, three (3) compartment dish washing, paper
    3. No seating.
Class 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $290.00
    1. Prepackaged and/or fresh foods.
    2. Normal amount of food preparation and required food service equipment (i.e. such as expected in a luncheonette, diner, deli, etc. involving hoods, steam tables, fryers, oven).
    3. Seating for up to twelve and including (12) people.
Class 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $415.00
    1. Prepackaged and/or fresh foods.
    2. Normal amount of food preparation and required food service equipment (i.e. such as expected in a luncheonette, diner, deli, etc. involving hoods, steam tables, fryers, oven).
    3. Seating for up to and including twenty-five (25) people.
Class 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $630.00
    1. Prepackaged and/or fresh foods
    2. Above normal food preparation operations (i.e. as above except involving fullservice menus and hazardous foods, multiple food operations like supermarkets with bakeries, deli, meat, fish, etc.).
    3. Above normal requirements for food service equipment (i.e. as above except involving mechanical dishwashing, walk-in refrigeration, etc.).
    4. Seating up to and including fifty (50) people.
Class 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                      $830.00
    1. Prepackaged and/or fresh foods
    2. Exceptional food preparation operations (all of the above with the addition of exceptional quantities as seen in banquet halls, etc. and full service menus).
    3. Exceptional requirements for food service equipment (all of the above with the addition of conveyor type dish washing machines, equipment, required for mass feeding operations; or multiple kitchens).
    4. Seating for fifty-one (51) or more people.
*Upon provision of proof of non-profit status, only half of the initial license fees established for the above Classes shall apply to non-profit organizations or to companies or entities who supply food preparation operations for said non-profit organizations.
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Affirmation Consent
By applying the signature below, I agree to the terms above and will comply at all times. I will abide by the City’s Ordinance in which a copy has been provided to me, as well as the terms stated above. I understand that a violation of the City Ordinance may result in fine(s) being opposed as well as the revocation of my Sidewalk Café license.
Please be advised of the following regarding the operation of a Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining

In case of snow and/or inclement weather that has the potential to create dangerous or hazardous conditions, the sidewalk café equipment must be removed immediately from the sidewalk.

The Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining Plan approved.

No furniture, apparatus, decoration or appurtenance used in connection with the operation of the Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining shall be located in or project or protrude into the required pedestrian passageway. Umbrella heights should be at a minimum of 7 feet clearance to the sidewalk and a maximum of 10 feet from the sidewalk.

The Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining shall be separated from the required pedestrian passageway by a suitable temporary and portable barrier designed for such or similar use and not exceeding four feet in height, which shall have been shown on and approved as part of the Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining Plan. Such suitable temporary and portable barrier, on which the name of the establishment may be scripted or printed in a pattern along the length of the barrier.

The sidewalk area utilized by the Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining shall be kept clean and free of litter and shall be power washed a minimum of once every six months. Proof of power washing must be available upon the request of a duly appointed official from the Department of Community Services. Trash receptacles shall be provided, maintained and emptied by the permittee as required and approved by the City. If no table service is provided, the trash receptacles shall include those needed for recycling.

One temporary sign not exceeding six square feet in area, unilluminated and displayed at a height not exceeding the maximum height allowed by the Development Regulations Ordinance shall be permitted. The wording of such temporary sign shall be limited to the name of the person conducting business on the sidewalk cafe and may state the items of food offered for sale. The temporary sign shall not be placed on the adjacent building or on any structure and shall be removed after the closing of the restaurant in accordance with the following paragraph k. The following types of signs and decorations are prohibited: 1. Signs painted or lettered on banner type material; 2. Tent type signs placed on sidewalks; and 3. Moving, fluttering and flapping pennants, flags, balloons and similar decorations.

Compliance with current City regulations and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements pertaining to pedestrian sidewalk access and passage is required.

All social distancing guidelines must be followed as set forth by the State of New Jersey and the City of Summit.

Affirmation Signature
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
1.   "I/we me/my” shall mean one of the following: (Enter the information below where applicable)
(Business Operator)
AN INDIVIDUAL: First/Last Name:
Date:   Upon approval and issuance of the license from the City Clerk’s Office. The Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining license is an annual permit that expires February 28 every year. Parklet season end November 30 each year
2.   "You/Your" shall mean the municipal corporation known as THE CITY OF SUMMIT, its agents, servants, employees, or contractors.

On Behalf of (Organization)
The Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Summit and its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees, arising out of the operation of the Sidewalk Café and/or Parklet, providing that such claims, damages, losses or expenses (1) are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (2) are caused in full or in part by any negligent acts or omission of the licensee or any one directly or indirectly employed by it regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder.
Signature of Licensee *
4.   I sign this Hold - Harmless as my voluntary act and by this act agree to hold you harmless and indemnify you from any claims, suits,
      or other actions arising from, caused by, or which are the alleged result of any act or omission of any organization, corporation, guest
      invitee, licensee, visitor or other person present on the premises listed above in order to participate in, organize, assist, enjoy, 
      supervise or in any other way further the activity to be held (as described above) on the dates listed above. 

5.   I state that the activity listed above will not include the consumption of alcoholic beverages but should any person described in Paragraph
      4 consume alcohol or allow or permit others to consume alcohol then I agree to be bound by the terms of Paragraph 6 below. 

6.   I state that the activity listed above will include the consumption of alcoholic beverages and that because of such consumption I have
      the following additional duties to You related to the use of the site listed above: 
a)  that I am solely responsible for the dispensing and consumption of alcohol, including the prudent and responsible dispensing and
      consumption of alcohol by all persons involved in the activity described above, including but not limited to those persons
      described in Paragraph 4 above; 
b)  to acknowledge by the signing of this Hold-Harmless that You have no authority, control, or participation in the dispensation or
      consumption of alcohol on the site and date listed above and that I Will take no step, action, or measure to convey the idea
      that You in any way have promoted, assisted, or participated in the dispensing and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the
      site and date listed above; 
c)  that I will not allow persons under the age of 21 to dispense or consume alcohol at the site during the activity to be held on Your
d)  to comply with all Municipal Ordinances relating to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to obtaining
      any necessary permits.

7.   I also agree that where the municipal officer signing this Hold - Harmless on your behalf feels I should provide to You a "Certificate of
      Insurance" and proof of "Special Events Insurance" that I shall provide same to that municipal officer as soon as practicable and not less
      than five (5) business days before the date of the planned activity.  The appropriate municipal officer will check below if this Paragraph
      is applicable to the activity listed above.  Said Insurance shall be written with a company maintaining a rating of at least "A-", according
      to A.M. Bests.  Said policy shall be in an amount of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence ($3,000,000 per occur-
      rence if liquor is being served).  It is understood You will be listed as an additional insured on the policy and Certificate of Insurance. 

Applicable ____X____ Not Applicable _________
In the event said certificate of insurance is not provided as set forth above, I recognize the event must be canceled and not be held as scheduled. 8. (Applicable to Corporations Only) I also agree that I am obligated to reimburse You for all reasonable attorney's fees incurred by You to enforce the terms of this Hold-Harmless or to defend Yourself against any claim, suit, demand for subrogation, or other action which a court of competent jurisdiction later determines by final order or judgment should have been defended by Me at My sole cost and expense pursuant to this Hold-Harmless.
Date Signed
Sidewalk Café Hours:   7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Street Address of Sidewalk Café/Parklet/Outdoor Dining:
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Granting of this License requires compliance with all the applicable Ordinances of the City of Summit and the Laws of the State of New Jersey covering such establishments.   It is further agreed that this License will be surrendered to the City of Summit on demand for just and valid cause.   Applicant must comply within 5 days of submission.
Fee:   (ORD. 4-20.3) (Non-Refundable) - Make Check or Money Order payable to “City of Summit
For Sidewalk Cafes/Parklets/Outdoor Dining you are REQUIRED to submit the following 5 attachments:
    1- Certificate of Insurance.
    2- Outdoor Seating Plan in compliance with the Outdoor Seating Plan Checklist. (incomplete plan will mean your application will be denied. Please take the time to ensure all requirements are met).
    3- Written permission from the building owner permitting the use (required if applicant is not the Building Owner).
    4- Statement of seating capacity detailing the number of chairs and tables that will be used.
    5- Statement of storage of dining equipment; either brought inside every night or where and how it will be secure.
    6- Sidewalk Lease request letter is for businesses with a liquor license who are applying for a sidewalk café.
Pay Now or Later?
Please Note: Attachments are required for Sidewalk Cafes/Parklets/Outdoor Dining and for Non-Profit Retail Food Establishment Licenses.

Renewal Application: Required Attachments must be updated for License Renewals.
Fee Schedule
Application Fee
A Late Fee of $60.00 will be added to your application fee if not paid by June 30th of the licensing year. If not paid by the following July 31st an additional $60.00 Late Fee will be added to the total fee. Late fees only apply to retail food establishment renewals.
Applicant Signature