1. Select the Project Type and complete all the "Project Information" below.
      a. For Fence or Shed projects, complete information in the respective tab that will appear.
2. Make sure all information is complete before moving to the Submittal Requirements & Certification
- Contacts
- Project Information
- Fence & Shed Information
- Submittal Requirements & Certification
Total Fee:
Applicant Signature
Submittal Requirements
I hereby apply for a zoning certificate from {[CNAME]}. I affirm that all information provided herewith is true and correct, and that I am authorized to make this application. I understand and agree that any zoning certificate issued may be revoked if error, omission or misrepresentation occurred concerning this application.
Click the “Select files…” button below to attach all applicable documents.
Page Title
The following are required for all applications:
- Check made out to the “Borough of High Bridge”
Property survey delineating all existing buildings, yard setbacks, wells and septic systems, general topography, trees >8” diameter within 25 ft. of construction area, streams, floodplains, wetlands, and transition areas.
If applying for a retaining wall higher than four feet you will need to start an escrow account by submitting a W-9 and $1000.00 of escrow monies.
- New Construction of Primary Structure.
- Submit plans showing all proposed construction, grading, driveways, and tree removal (Photo(s) of the tree needed to be attached).
- Modification to Existing Building (including porches).
- Show footprint of proposed modification on the property survey
- Deck (open with no roof)
- Show the location and size of the proposed deck on the survey with distances to property lines, or critical areas (floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, transition areas) when present.
- Accessory Structure
- Show the location of the proposed structure on the survey with distances to property lines, or critical areas (floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, transition areas) when present.
- Hedge, Fence or Wall.
- Show the location of the proposed Hedge, Fence or Wall on the survey with distances to property lines, or critical areas, (floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, transition areas) when present.
- [Note: Chap. 145, Section 304 of the Borough Code requires the following setbacks for these structures: closed-sight fence = 2 ft; open-sight fence = 6 in.; hedge = onehalf the projected width of the plant at maturity; wall = 2 ft. from property line of critical area.]
- Retaining Walls (greater than 4 feet high)
- Show the location of the proposed retaining wall on the survey with distances to property lines, or critical areas (floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, transition areas) when present.
- Submit plans prepared by a licensed engineer showing details and specifications for how the wall will be constructed.
Application Fee
Payment must be received before Zoning Certificate will be issued.