Please list any and all allergies the participant may have, and to which severity. If none, type "None" *
Other Programs
Sign-ups start May 1st through June 19th
9-17 years old
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $170.00
Non-residents - $180.00
Belmar Youth Club
Fall Soccer
Grade *
Toddler Time
Sign-ups start August 1st through August 31st
6-7 years old
8-9 years old
10-12 years old
13-16 years old
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $90.00
Non-residents - $100.00
Sign-ups start October 1st through February 15th
Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-10
Belmar/Lake Como Residents ONLY - $25.00
Summer Basketball
Kids Running Club
Sign-ups start May 1st through August 15th
Kindergarten-1st Grade
Boys & Girls Grades 2-4, and Grades 5-8
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $55.00
Non-residents - $80.00
T-Shirt Size *
Spring Lake Jr. Guard Tournament
Age *
Specify "Yes" for each activity that you wish to enroll this participant for. Please note that activites will not become available for selection unless the participant's age and grade is specified, above. Prices are per participant in most instances, with the exception of Summer Camp, and Toddler Time.
Please list all medical issues the participant may have, or medications they may take, for safety reasons. If none, type "None" *
First Name *
Belmar Summer Camp
Sign-ups start August 1st through February 9th
1-5 years old
Belmar/Lake Como residents - No Fee
Non-residents - $100.00 per family
Sign-ups start May 1st through June 30th
6-7 years old
8-9 years old
10-12 years old
13-16 years old
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $90.00
Non-residents - $100.00
Sign-ups start September 5th
Grades 4-6
Limited to thirty (30) children
Belmar/Lake Como residents ONLY
No Fee
Sign-ups start January 2022
Group 1 Grades 1-3 * ONLY 12 per group
Group 2 Grades 4-6 * ONLY 12 per group
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $10.00
Non-residents - $10.00
ADD - Add a new Participant or Save existing Participant entries
ADD ANOTHER - Add Additional Participant records
CANCEL - Cancels Participant Records
Manasquan Jr. Guard Tournament
Sign-ups start September 1st through October 31st
Kindergarten-1st Grade Clinics
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $45.00
Non-residents - $55.00
Boys & Girls Grades 2-4, and Grades 5-8
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $100.00
Non-residents - $115.00
Late fee - $25 - November 14th through December 10th
Note that the "Boys" Grades 2-4 are at full capicity now.
Participant Details
Fall Tennis
Last Name *
Belmar Junior Guards
NOTE: WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING ONLINE SIGN-UPS AT THIS TIME. Sign-ups can only be done by visiting our Borough Hall in person. Please call the Recreation Department for details
For grades entering 1-6 of the upcoming school year
$800.00 for the first child, +$600.00 for each additional child
Non-residents - $1,000.00, +$750.00 for each additional child
Limited to seventy (70) children this year
Baseball Clinics
Winter Basketball
Belmar Jr. Guard Tournament
Sign-ups start May 1st through June 30th
For grades entering 4-8 of the upcoming school year
Belmar/Lake Como & St. Rose Students - $35.00
Non-residents - $65.00
Sign-ups start March 1st through June 5th
Boys & Girls Grades 2-4, and Grades 5-8
Belmar/Lake Como residents & St. Rose Students - $60.00
Non-residents - $80.00