Applicant Details
Alternate Contact
Cuyahoga Heights Village
Address 2
Type of Application
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Phone #
Phone #
  • Bacci Park Ballfield Rental
  • Village Hall Auditorium
  • Bacci Park Pavilions
  • Klima Gardens Pavilion & Grounds
  • Certification
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Field Specifications Attached?
Rental Details
Fee Due
Fee Schedule

General Guidelines:
• Open Sunrise to Sunset Daily.
• Field conditions – field will be determined “playable” by the Service Department or Sports Commissioner.
• Fields may not be used after dusk without overhead lights.
• All games/practices must end by 9:00 pm.
• Please contact the Village of Cuyahoga Heights Recreation Department at 216/641-3505 to reserve the softball
and baseball fields. Village teams and residents will always be given first consideration. With additional
priority as listed in Rental Information.
• No managers, coaches, players, or spectators are allowed behind the backstop in the area directly behind
home plate during games.
• Leave field, dugouts, and surrounding area clean.
• No littering of park facilities and picnic areas.

Ball Field/Dugout Rules:
• Do not hit or pitch into the fencing or against any ball field structures.
• No climbing on fences, backstops, or buildings.
• No destruction, removal, or defacement of park property and misuse of any park facility.
• No practicing golf.
• No posting of any signage on any fencing or ball field structures unless authorized by
Village Hall or Sports Commissioner.

Prohibited on/near fields (includes infield and outfield) and in dugouts:
• Horseplay with bats or balls.
• Chewing tobacco and gum.
• All pets and animals.
• Glass containers.
• Alcohol and tobacco products (included e-cigarettes and vapor devices).
• Bicycles and motorized vehicles.
• Fires, except in barbecue facilities.
• Use of fireworks.
• Weapons of any kind.
• Behavior that may cause damage, litter, or interference with the enjoyment of other park users.

All persons must obey any order, rule, or regulation of the Village and the instructions of any sign posted by the Village.

Failure to Comply:
Should any person fail to observe and obey any such order, rule, regulation, or sign posted by
the Village, the Village’s Police/Fire Departments, Sports Commissioner, Service Department,
or designee, may immediately remove or cause to be removed such person and may ban such
person from the use of the park and its facilities for such period of time as may be necessary to
secure compliance with the orders, rules, regulations, or posted sign.

Any person removed or banned from use of the park facilities by the Village’s Police/Fire Departments, Sports Commissioner,
Service Department, or designee, may appeal such action to the Mayor’s office.


Required Documents Prior to Rental Approval:

  1. Signed Rental Agreement
  2. Signed Field Rules
  3. Proof of Insurance
  4. Concussion Certificate
  5. Copy of Roster if a CHV Affiliate Team
Schedule Attached?
Rules & Regulations
Applicant Type Practice and Games with Field Prep Practice Without Field Prep
Cuyahoga Heights Affiliated Team $50 (Per Game) $25
Non-Cuyahoga Heights Team / Previous Renter $75 (Per Game) $50
First Time Renters with No Affiliation $100 (Per Game) $75
I acknowledge reading the above rules & regulations


The Village of Cuyahoga Heights does not maintain insurance that will cover claims against the applicant arising out of the use of
facilities by the applicant, its members, participants, or those attending the event. If applying organization is required to be covered by
bodily injury and property damage liability insurance, then the applicant is responsible for obtaining said insurance. If the applicant is
“required” to secure such insurance, please attach proof of insurance for the Village’s records.


The undersigned hereby make application to the Village of Cuyahoga Heights for use of park facilities and certifies the information
given in the application and supporting material is correct. The undersigned further states that he/she is authorized to make this
application for the applicant and agrees that the applicant will observe all ordinances and regulations of the Village of Cuyahoga
Heights. The applicant/organization agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Village and its officers, agents, and
employees, against any claim alleging damage or injury arising out of the subject matter of this agreement. The applicant further
agrees to reimburse the Village of Cuyahoga Heights for any damage arising from the applicant’s use of said facilities and equipment.
The applicant or his agent has examined the facilities, premises equipment, and furnishings for defects and finds them fit and safe for
the purpose stated above. Bacci Park and East 49th Street Field Rules are part of this agreement

Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Type of Event

The following rules and regulations shall apply to the use of the property known as the Auditorium in the Village Hall:

(a) Any Village resident or nonresident Village governmental employee over 21 years of age or any Village business or Village organization desiring to use the Auditorium in the Village Hall shall apply at the office of the Mayor. The applicant using the Auditorium must be present at the event. No resident or nonresident employee may book the Auditorium for other nonresidents or outside organizations.

(b) The applicant shall pay a nonrefundable deposit of two hundred dollars ($200.00) to be excused from the requirement to clean the Auditorium to its original condition after use. If there is any damage to the property caused by the applicant or their guests, except normal wear and tear, the applicant shall not be eligible to rent any Village facilities for a minimum of one year following the event.

(c) A business within the Village may rent the Auditorium for meetings of that business only, on Mondays through Fridays; no deposit shall be required. The Village of Cuyahoga Heights' organizations and/or committees, including, but not limited to, the Senior Citizens Group, Recreation Board, Youth Committee, Historical Committee, Boy Scouts and/or Girl Scouts that meet weekly or biweekly shall not be required to make a deposit.

(d) Each Village residential household or Village governmental employee household may rent the Auditorium for their own personal use three times in each calendar year.

(e) The Auditorium shall not be used for any one party longer than eight (8) hours, which shall include set-up and clean-up times and under no circumstances shall be used later than midnight. The clean-up of the Auditorium shall be completed by the exit time listed on the application. Earliest entry time is 11:00 a.m.; latest exit time is midnight.

(f) No smoking or alcoholic beverages shall be permitted anywhere in the Village Hall. No weddings, bachelor parties, gambling, reverse raffles, night at the races or live music shall be permitted. The use of a "hot oil fryer" and any type of a "fog/smoke" machine is prohibited from use anywhere in the Village Hall. No decorations may be taped onto walls and/or woodwork within the Village Hall; decorations should be limited to tables. Village-sponsored bingo shall be permitted. Approval of other types of activities shall be at the discretion of the Mayor.

(g) A deejay shall be permitted at the applicant's party.

(h) The rental of the Auditorium shall be limited to the individual facility. No person shall be permitted in any other room or on any other floor of the Village Hall other than that which was rented. Children must be under full adult supervision at all times and shall not play on the elevator or the stage area.

Time Rented This Year

Application to be completed by the person requesting use of the Village Hall Auditorium. The applicant will be responsible for any damage(s) or loss, and must be present at the function.
ABSOLUTELY − NO alcoholic beverages, weddings, bachelor parties, gambling, or live music.

*The Village Hall Auditorium is opened from 11:00 a.m. until midnight. Applicant's event shall not be used for longer than eight (8) hours, which shall include set up and clean up times. Seating capacity is (90). Nonrefundable fee is $200.

I acknowledge reading the above checklist
# of People
Must be a resident of the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, or business or Organization affiliated with to apply.
Time of Entry


In consideration of being allowed to utilize Klima Gardens/Village Hall Auditorium/Bacci Park Pavilion in the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, the undersigned acknowledges, understands, and agrees that:


  1. The risks of injury and illness (ex: communicable diseases such as MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19) from the activities involved in this program are significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce these risks, the risks of serious injury and illness do exist; and,

  2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,

  3. I willingly agree to comply with any and all Village imposed terms and conditions for participation, both formal and informal. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and,

  4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, and its officials, agents, and/or employees ("RELEASEES"), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property. WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Applicant Type
Date Requested

Village Hall Auditorium Rental Checklist


1. Make sure that the entrances are open and cleared of any snow, leaves, debris, etc.

2. Have lighting on in necessary areas for the event.

3. Be sure that all rubish containers have bags.


- Events should not be longer than eight (8) hours from set-up to clean-up.

- Tables and all surface areas need to be cleared of debris.

- Check all bathrooms.

- All windows are securely closed.

- Stove is turned off.

- No food, beverages, ice cream, etc., are left in the refrigerator/freeer.

- Clean out cofee pots and stove (make sure all parts are accounted for and stove is turned off).

- Decorations: Please note that tape is NOT allowed on the walls or the lighting fixtued in the Village Hall Auditorium. Signs, as well as balloons should be removed from the outside of the building after the event; they should NOT be left on the tree lawn, telephone pole(s), or front lawn of the Village Hall.

- Check both entranceways that are used as somking areas that cigarette butts are put in the ashtray - NOT on the ground, in the rocks, shrubbery, etc.

- Make sure all lights are turned off and all doors are locked.

Time of Exit
Rules & Regulations
Village Hall Auditorium
I acknowledge reading the above rules & regulations
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Applicant Type

General Guildlines:

  • Maximum Persons: 50
  • Earliest entry time is 9:00 a.m.; latest exit time is 8:00 p.m.
  • Gas grills and open burning on the grounds are not permitted anywhere in the park.
  • Tobacco products (including e-cigarettes and vapor devices) are prohibited.
  • Pavilions must be cleared and all picnic tables returned to their original positions in the pavilion.
  • Excess trash from a private picnic, which exceeds the space in a trash can, must be bagged and tied and placed next to the trash can.
  • The permitholder must be at the pavilion with the permit during use and must present the permit upon request to the Police Department and other Village officials or representatives.


  • Alcohol
  • Live Music
  • Gambling
  • Bachelor Parties
  • Weddings
  • Destruction, removal, or defacement of park property and misuse of any park facility
  • Littering of park facilities and picnic areas
  • Practicing golf
  • Fires
  • Use of fireworks.
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Behavior that may cause damage, litter, or interference with the enjoyment of other park users


All persons must obey any order, rule, or regulation of the Village of Cuyahoga Heights and the instructions of any sign posted by the Village of Cuyahoga Heights.

Failure to Comply:

Should any person fail to observe and obey any such order, rule, regulation, or sign posted by the Village, the Village's Police/Fire Departments, Sports Commissioner, Service Department, or designee, may immediately remove or cause to be removed such person and may ban such person from the use of the park and its facilities for such period of time as may be necessary to secure compliance with the orders, rules, regulations, or posted sign.


Any person removed or banned from use of the park facilities by the Village's Police/Fire Departments, Sports Commissioner, Service Department, or designee, may appeal such action to the Mayor's office.

Bacci Types
Bacci Park Pavilions

Application to be completed by the person requesting use of park pavilions. The applicant will be responsible for any damage(s) or loss, and must be present at the function. Application is for the use of the pavilion only, ball diamonds are not included in this rental.
ABSOLUTELY − NO alcoholic beverages, weddings, bachelor parties, gambling, or live music. Nonrefundable fee is $50.

Type of Event
# of People
Rules & Regulations
Must be a resident of the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, or business or Organization affiliated with to apply.
Time of Entry
I acknowledge reading the above rules & regulations
Time of Exit
Date Requested
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Reason For Use
A Friendly Reminder
Rules & Regulations


In consideration of being allowed to utilize Klima Gardens/Village Hall Auditorium/Bacci Park Pavilion in the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, the undersigned acknowledges, understands, and agrees that:


  1. The risks of injury and illness (ex: communicable diseases such as MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19) from the activities involved in this program are significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce these risks, the risks of serious injury and illness do exist; and,

  2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,

  3. I willingly agree to comply with any and all Village imposed terms and conditions for participation, both formal and informal. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and,

  4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS the Village of Cuyahoga Heights, and its officials, agents, and/or employees ("RELEASEES"), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property. WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

# of People
Time of Exit


The following rules and regulations shall apply to the use of the property known as Klima Gardens, 4646 East 71 Street, Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio:

(a) Any person desiring to use the property shall obtain a permit from the Mayor according to the procedure set forth by his or her office. Bona fide Cuyahoga Heights residents may reserve one date, beginning the first working day of January; Village governmental nonresident employees and businesses located in the Village may book one date beginning February 1; and outside businesses and other nonresidents may book one date beginning March 1 of each calendar year. Any applicant who desires a second date may reserve another date beginning March 1 of the calendar year.

(b) The applicant shall pay a nonrefundable deposit of four hundred dollars ($400.00) to be excused from the requirement to clean the property to its original condition after use. If there is any damage to the property caused by the applicant or their guests, except normal wear and tear, the renter shall not be eligible to rent any Village facilities for a minimum of one year following the event.

(c) The fee for the use of the property shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day, which shall be deposited by the CFO into the General Fund. The fee shall not be charged if the applicant is a Village resident or organization located in Cuyahoga Heights using the property for a private party. Village residents who request to use Klima Gardens for an outside organization shall pay the fee. Organizations within a business located in the Village, such as a union or credit union, shall not be exempted from this fee. Non-profit organizations or senior citizen groups may be charged at the rate of four hundred dollars ($400.00).

(d) The property shall not be used later than 12:00 midnight and the clean-up of the area shall be completed by that time.


(e) No alcoholic beverages shall be sold unless strictly in accordance with a license issued by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control. A uniformed Cuyahoga Heights police officer shall be required to be present at all functions where a state liquor license is required, and at all weddings and/or wedding receptions, and at parties over 125 persons, and if the Mayor deems necessary. The cost of the police officer shall be paid for by the applicant. Applicants should contact the Cuyahoga Heights Chief of Police at (216-640-2045) to secure a police officer for an event.

(f) All guests, including children and caterers, are the responsibility of the applicant. Thefts from the property will be prosecuted. All liquor law responsibilities shall be incurred by the applicant.

(g) If the applicant is going to use a "hot oil fryer" at an event, he or she must obtain a permit from the member of the Village Fire Department who is performing the duties of the Village Fire Inspector to have the fryer on the premises prior to the day of the event. Applicants should contact the Village Fire Department at (216-641-6799) at least five business days prior to the event to obtain a permit.

(h) The Village is not responsible to provide phone lines, internet, and/or cable for any individual or entity renting Klima Gardens.

(i) Seating under the pavilion is set up for 112 individuals: (14) 72-inch round tables; 8 chairs per table for a total of 112. If the applicant is having more than the noted amount of 112, it is the responsibility of the applicant to acquire or rent additional tables and chairs. If tables and chairs, as well as extra tables are moved from their original position, applicant must put them back in the same position as they found them.

(j) Patrons are able to use the adjacent parking lot of the Firefighters Community Credit Union; however, they must be respectful to said property and insure that it is free from all trash and debris. Furthermore, the applicant must receive permission from the Firefighters Community Credit Union to utilize said parking lot if applicant will be using it during regular business hours. Failure to do so will result with the applicant being denied future rental privileges of Klima Gardens.

(k) Applicant is permitted to use corn hole bags and bocce balls which are stored in the storage closet in the pavilion. However, after use, com hole bags and bocce balls must be returned to their original location in the closet. In the event corn hole bags or bocce balls are missing, the applicant will be charged the cost of new bags and/or balls..

(l) Additional rules regarding use of the property shall be promulgated by the Mayor. Failure of any person using the property to comply with any rule set forth in this section, or any rule promulgated by the Mayor, pursuant to this division, shall be cause not to be eligible to rent Klima Gardens in the future. In addition, any resident found to be renting the property for an outside organization shall be denied rental privileges in the following calendar year.

TO OBTAIN A LIQUOR PERMIT: Call or write the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control, 6606 Tussing Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068, Telephone Number (614) 644- 2360, or visit online at

Time of Entry
Klima Gardens Pavilion & Grounds
Date Requested

The applicant requesting use of Klima Gardens is responsible for any damage(s) or loss incurred on the property. If applicant is a Village resident, he/she must be present at the event.

✓ Village residents renting Klima Gardens MUST be present the entire time on the day of their event.*

✓ The Village of Cuyahoga Heights DOES NOT provide tents or additional tables and chairs.

✓ If the event is a wedding, OR if the event requires a liquor permit, OR if the attendance is over 125 persons and alcohol is served - the applicant MUST have a Cuyahoga Heights Police Officer present. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact Police Chief Sturgill at (216) 640-2045   during regular business hours to secure an officer for the event.*

*Failure to comply will result being denied future rental privileges.

I acknowledge reading the above rules & regulations
Applicant Type
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
The undersigned hereby make application to the Village of Cuyahoga Heights for use of park facilities and certifies the information given in the application and supporting material is correct. The undersigned further states that he/she is authorized to make this application for the applicant and agrees that the applicant will observe all ordinances and regulations of the Village of Cuyahoga Heights. The applicant/organization agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Village and its officers, agents, and employees, against any claim alleging damage or injury arising out of the subject matter of this agreement. The applicant further agrees to reimburse the Village of Cuyahoga Heights for any damage arising from the applicant’s use of said facilities and equipment. The applicant or his agent has examined the facilities, premises equipment, and furnishings for defects and finds them fit and safe for the purpose stated above. Bacci Park Field Rules are part of this agreement.
Please Attach: