Event Deposit
Athletic Field Fee
Athletic Annual Fee
I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless CINNAMINSON TOWNSHIP and/or its agents, servants or employees for any and all claims of
any damages of any kind, suits, litigation, arbitration, and proceedings of any kind for injuries, property damage, theft or other causes arising
from or in connection with the Event(s) to be held on the Date set forth in this Application, unless due to negligent acts or omissions or
intentional misconduct of Cinnaminson Township Parks & Recreation.
It is expressly agreed and understood by the parties that CINNAMINSON TOWNSHIP shall not be responsible for any claims from the
aforesaid event without regard to the fault or negligence of any person or entity, whether or not such person or entity is a party to this
agreement, and
regardless of whether the aforesaid fault or negligence is sole, concurrent, joint, contributory or comparative.
I hereby attest that the information in this application is true and accurate, and that I have read and understand all of the rules and regulations
regarding the use of Cinnaminson Township Parks.
Please attach any required documents below.
Applicant Signature *
Total Fee Due