Activity Description *
Organization City, State, Zip
Address *
Phone Type *
Email *
Organization Information
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Applicant Information
Application Type *
Activity Information
Phone Number *
Organization Nature *
Name *
Phone Number
City, State, ZIP *
  • Instructions
  • Athletic Field Use
  • Athletic Fees and Requirements
  • Concession Stand Rental
  • Special Event
  • Certification
Please review the requirements in each tabs and enter the information requested.
Extension Park
Softball Lighted (max 1)
How many fields will you require?
Please describe any additional requirements or needs:
Park Name *
Reservation will be canceled if proper payment and required insurance certificates are not submitted at the same time before the event.
Is over 75% of the team township residents? *
End Date
Multi-Purpose (max 1)
Weekday(s) and Time requested:
Basketball Lighted (max 2)
Permit Type *
Please select field(s) requested in chosen location:
Basketball (max 1)
Tennis (max 1)
Bocce Lighted (max 1)
If you are applying for seasonal permit, please answer following questions:
Baseball Unlit (max 6)
Garfield Park
Weekend Day(s) and Time(s) requested:
Fountain Farms
Expected Number of Vehicles
Athletic Field Information
Single Dates (if not whole Season)
Basketball (max 2)
Will you require any lighted fields?
Multipurpose Lighted (max 1)
Are you a Recognized Sport Organization?
Multi-purpose (max 1)
How many single dates are you requesting?
Multi-purpose Lighted (max 1)
Memorial Park
*Unless specified, weekday time are from 5:30PM to dusk.
Ravenswood Park
Wood Park
Softball Unlit (max 5)
East Riverton Park
Basketball (max 2)
Ratio of Supervisors/Chaperones to Minors
Basketball (max 2)
Field #
Number of Players *
Soccer Lighted (max 2)
Starting Time:
Multi-purpose (max 1)
Basketball (max 2)
Baseball Lighted (max 2)
Age Group *
Start Date
Tennis/Pickleball (max 2)
Tennis (max 5)
The following documents must be submitted with each application.
*Copy of certificate of insurance adding Cinnaminson Township as "additionally insured"
*Copy of roster including name, age, and home address.
*Cinnaminson Township Organizations - Copy of most recent Tax Form 990.
1 or 2 fields permit
3 or more fields permit
Recognized Sports Organizations
1 or 2 fields permit
3 or more fields permit
Other Organizations
Escrow for special events, community events, and sports tournaments will be required to pay for additional Public Work Employees and/or police officers at the following rates: Public Works employees: $45 per hour. Police Officers: $65 per hour.
In addition to the above fees, each organization and/or sports team shall pay a non-refundable annual application filing fee of $250/$500.
Residential Fee
   Fees for a single use of Parks and Recreation facilities for a two-hour permit are as follows:
Grass Sports Field
Tennis Court
Basketball Court
   Fees for a season-long sports permit shall be as follows:
Grass Sports Field
Basketball Court
Non-Residential Fee
Athletic Fees and Requirements

Unless a permit is required or requested, facilities within Cinnaminson's parks are available without charge to the user.

 Use of the concession stand is subject to all Public Health Requirements:
        	 1.     No appliances using grease may be used.
        	 2.     Hands are washed properly.           
        	 3.     Food equipment utensils are properly washed.
        	 4.     Gloves or tongs must be used.
        	 5.     Work surfaces are cleaned and sanitized.
        	 6.     All garbage is emptied as necessary.
        	 7.     All drawers and racks are clean.
        	 8.     Refrigerators are kept clean; food is protected from contamination. 
Concession Stand Rental
End Date & Time *
Start Date & Time *
Contact Person (If different from Applicant)
Select Park *
Phone Number (If different from Applicant)
Set Up Date & Time *
Estimated Number of Attendees *
Event Type If Other
Event Information
Event Description
Start Date & Time *
Location *
End Date & Time *
Event Type *
Contact Person (if different than Applicant)
Phone Number (if different than Applicant)
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Event Deposit
Athletic Field Fee
Athletic Annual Fee
I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless CINNAMINSON TOWNSHIP and/or its agents, servants or employees for any and all claims of 
any damages of any kind, suits, litigation, arbitration, and proceedings of any kind for injuries, property damage, theft or other causes arising
from or in connection with the Event(s) to be held on the Date set forth in this Application, unless due to negligent acts or omissions or
intentional misconduct of Cinnaminson Township Parks & Recreation. It is expressly agreed and understood by the parties that CINNAMINSON TOWNSHIP shall not be responsible for any claims from the
aforesaid event without regard to the fault or negligence of any person or entity, whether or not such person or entity is a party to this
agreement, and regardless of whether the aforesaid fault or negligence is sole, concurrent, joint, contributory or comparative. I hereby attest that the information in this application is true and accurate, and that I have read and understand all of the rules and regulations
regarding the use of Cinnaminson Township Parks.
Please attach any required documents below.
Applicant Signature *
Total Fee Due