Specify the address, or the closest address, where the concern exists so that the concern can be acted upon more efficiently.
Important Notice
If Type of Concern is 'Other' , then describe below:
Report a Concern
Phone # *
Address 2
Address 2
The Borough of Union Beach endeavors to deliver all public services in a professional manner and to respond promptly to all citizen inquiries and concerns. The Borough will hold your information in confidence and it will ONLY be used by an employee from The Borough of Union Beach to contact you in the event that more information about your concern is required.

To report a problem with the Borough of Union Beach Police Department, please complete an Internal Affairs Report Form.

Enter Address Below *
If you have any pictures or documents that would assist us in the handling of this concern, please attach them here.
Please DO NOT take any pictures unless it is absolutely safe to do so.

Please note that The Borough of Union Beach does not condone the entering of personal/private premises without authorization and will not accept responsibility or liability for any loss or damage to personal/private property, or any physical injury as a result.

First Name *
Complainant Information
Location of Concern
Report a Concern is not an emergency reporting system.
If your issue or concern involves an immediate risk to life or personal safety, Call 9-1-1 immediately.
Report a Concern requests are reviewed during The Borough of Union Beach’s regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
All requests will be reviewed and addressed in accordance with The Borough of Union Beach’s policies and within the limits of available resources.
Map Location
650 Poole Avenue
Union Beach, NJ 07735
Location Address
Provide any other details about the Location
Describe the Concern *
Select Type of Concern *
Email *
Borough of
Union Beach
Last Name *
Define the Concern