Phone #
How long has the organization maintained a 501 (C)(3) status?
Applicant Information
3518 Broad Street
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
City, State, ZIP
City of Chamblee
** Is the organization a member of the Chamblee Nonprofit Partnership Program?
Organization Name
Nonprofit Partnership Program Sponsorship Application
  • Point of Contact
  • Partnership Program Details
  • Project Information
  • Project Budget Information
  • Attachments and Certification
Organizational Role
Point of Contact Details
Last Name
First Name
Phone #
How many Lunch and Learn Courses has your organization attended? Please List Below
Chamblee Nonprofit Partnership Program Information
How many Let’s Talk About… roundtable sessions has your organization attended? Please List Below
How many city events has your organization attended or plan to attend? Please List Below
Briefly describe the event/program.
Event/Program Category
Venue Address
Venue Name
Event/Program Duration (In Days)
Event/Program Date and time
Date Final Report will be submitted
How will the NPP sponsorship be vital to the success of the event?
Will your event/program take place in the City of Chamblee?
Describe how your event/project will impact the community.
Project Information
Event/Program Name
Event/Program Type
What is the projected attendance of the event?
How will the revenue be distributed if received?
Total Amount Requested
Project Budget Information
If you will be receiving additional funds for this project, complete the following:
If you have an attachment, please include in the Attachments and Certification tab
  • Please provide an estimated project budget that includes anticipated revenue generated by other sponsorships, grants in-kind services or other forms of financial contributions.
  • Sponsorship funds will be distributed after receipt(s) from eligible businesses for expenditures are submitted. An eligible business must hold a current City of Chamblee Occupational Tax Certificate.
  • As of 2023, Nonprofit members of the Nonprofit Partnership Program may apply for the sponsorship/grant two (2) times a year and each nonprofit can request a maximum of $10,000 per year for qualified events and/or programs.
Projected Costs (All Expenses)
How will the event/program allocate the awarded funds?
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand

A finalized application consists of the completion of this form and the following items submitted as attachments:

  • Articles of incorporation
    • Must be incorporated for at least two (2) years
  • Submit a copy of the most recent Internal Revenue Service Form 990
  • Provide an audit or two (2) years of financial statements (i.e., profit/loss, income/expense or balance sheet)
  • Projected project budget inclusive of anticipated revenue generated by other sponsorships, grants in-kind services or other forms of financial contributions
  • Current City of Chamblee Occupational Tax Certificate
All projects awarded a sponsorship must be completed, and a final report submitted within 90 days of the conclusion of the event. If receipts/report are not submitted as stipulated, the City of Chamblee reserves the right to void the sponsorship and/or not fund any future sponsorship requests.
Applicant Signature