Fee SubTotal
Begin typing property address and select from the populated dropdown
Parcel ID #
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Property Type
Property Address
  • Contacts
  • Project Information
  • Addendum A
  • Addendum B
  • Addendum C
  • Addendum D
  • Addendum E
  • Attachments & Certification
First Name
First Name
Phone #
Last Name
Contractor Same as Owner?
Enter all additional contractors, including the architect or designer of record.
Last Name
First Name
City, State, ZIP
Property Owner Information
Phone #
Business Name (If Applicable)
City, State, ZIP
Business Name (If Applicable)
Mailing Address
Fax #
Fax #
Contractor Information
Fax #
Applicant Same as Owner?
Applicant Information
Business Name (If Applicable)
Last Name
Mailing City, State, ZIP
Phone #
Additional Contractor Information
Development in flood hazard area.
Construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, enlargement of any building or other structure.
Accessory Structure
Landfill, mining, or excavation operations.
Razing Structure(s) Square Footage
In-Ground Swimming Pool
Mining, Excavation Operations, Earthen Material Removal Amount (in cubic yards)
Accessory Structure(s) Square Footage
If other, please specify the type of work
Change of Use
Interior renovations to residential structure in contemplation of increase in number of bedrooms or dwelling units.
Intended Start Date
Intended Completion Date
Increase in number of Dwelling Units on a Parcel of Land.
Addition or Alteration
Interior renovations to a non-residential primary structure done in contemplation of a change in use or intensity of use.
Give a detailed description of the current use of the property, How many buildings and their respective uses, dimensions, setbacks, etc.
Division of parcel into two or more parcels.
Describe the construction (Include building dimension, size and location), and the proposed use
Estimated Cost of the Project
Home Occupation.
Razing any structure, temporary or otherwise, over 500 sf or any structure in the central business district.
Application Type (Check All That Apply)
Fence Height (in inches)
New Construction
Type of Work Being Performed (Check All That Apply)
Substantial change in nature or intensity of the current use of any building, structure or parcel of land.
Project Details
Extension of current use of land.
Will your project have flickering, pulsing, rotating, or flashing lights?
Does it impede the flow of pedestrian traffic in the CBD?
If yes, please explain
If yes, will the requirements of this section be met?
Will there be an increase in noise levels as a result of the project?
How wastewater is/will be disposed?
Will the emission of detectable objectionable odor result from your project?
If yes, please explain
Will traffic flow generated be beyond the capacity of local roads?
What steps will be taken to minimize environmental damage?
Does your project involve use of pesticides herbicides, and fertilizers within 400’ of any well or fire district?
Are you increasing the # of bedrooms?
If yes, what tests have been done to ensure the soundness of the tanks?
Will there be any hammering, drilling, cutting or blasting within 100 feet of any underground tank used to store petroleum projects?
What is the maximum # of vehicles expected on site at any given time?
Will the use require loading and unloading of commercial products?
Will it be installed and anchored as required?
If yes, please explain
Will the project result in fly ash, dust, fumes, vapors, gasses or other forms of air pollution?
Performance Objectives and Standards Information
Has the secretary of Vermont agency of agriculture, food and markets indicated that the farm operation complies with the accepted agricultural practices?
Will this project create an increase in the intensity of traffic?
Will noise level exceed 60 decibels during other times of the day at the property?
Does your project involve farm animals?
Will the project result in any fire, explosive, or other safety hazard?
Will there be development within 100’ from the mean high water mark of named river and streams?
Is the proposed use agricultural?
Will a sufficient # of off-street parking spaces be provided?
Will there by any excavation or blasting of the clay layer that protects the public water supply?
Will you be storing greater than 500 gallons of flammable liquids in tanks above ground?
How many bedrooms?
Is the proposed use in the aquifer district?
Are you increasing the # of dwelling units?
Is this display within the required setback from a street or road?
How many dwelling units?
How many customers are expected per day?
Does the proposed use involve forest harvesting?
Does your project involve any areas of steep slope?
How access for emergency vehicles is/will be provided?
Is this a structure over 400 cubic feet in volume (Incl. mobile homes)?
Will there be an outdoor display of retail products?
Is there space within the boundaries of the lot for loading and unloading?
What is the grade of the slope?
Will the project result in any noticeable, clearly apparent vibration on the property of another landowner?
If yes, please explain
How many employees are expected?
If yes, will the requirements of this section be met?
If yes, please explain
Will noise level exceed 70 decibels during daylight hours at the property?
How many parcels will access drive serve?
If yes, is the lot at least one acre in area?
If yes, explain procedures for handling and containment
Will there be any storage of junk or uninspected/unregistered junk vehicles visible from the traveled way of a highway or abutting landowners, or within 50’ of any property line?
Is this a business/home occupation?
Will the project cause an excessive increase in quality, rate or rechanneling of water runoff on neighboring properties?
Will the project involve the emission of any smoke?
If yes, please explain
Will all new driveways have an area to turn around on site?
Is it a farm stand?
Will the project destroy or significantly alter wetlands or natural areas?
If yes, please explain
What is the minimum distance of animal housing and piles of manure, feed or bedding from any lot line?
What is the distance of the closest residence in HDMU?
All References are to the Brandon Land Use Ordinance - Article VI, Section 600.
If yes, what provisions have been made to avoid this possibility?
If yes, please explain
What is the minimum distance of manure piles to wells and surface waters?
Will any hazardous materials be used in this project?
If yes, please explain
Will your project have lights that illuminate in excess of 0.5 foot candles when measured at adjacent residential boundaries?

Does the design of the intersection (of the access road [driveway] to the site) with local roads conform with the requirements of Vermont department of highways (Doc B-71)? (view the requirements for Residential Projects here, or Commercial Projects here.)

Will the project have lights that will distract drivers on roads in the vicinity?
How water supply is/will be provided?
What % of slope will be developed, regraded or stripped of vegetation?
If yes, will it violate this section on public service uses or uses listed in section 429?
# of lots, including the resized original parcel(s) that will be created
Do you plan to create additional lots from this parcel in the future?
Pre-subdivision/line adjustment property size (in acres)
Do you plan to utilize cluster development?
Do you plan to dedicate any portion of this parcel as open space or common land?
# of lots created from the original parcel in the last 5 years/being created at this time
Subdivision / Boundary Line Adjustment Information
If yes, name of subdivision
If yes, please explain
Type of Work
Boundary Line Adjustment
If yes, please explain
If this subdivision is approved, do you plan to develop it?
Is the parcel located within a subdivision previously approved by the development review board?
Total # of Signs
Sign(s) Permit Information
Size of structure (length, width and height)
State Definition
Notice of Intent to Build an Agricultural Building
Are setbacks met?
Type of structure
Describe how proposed structure meets state definition of farm structure
Use of structure
A Farm Structure a structure or structures that are used by a person for agricultural production that meets one or more of the following:

(A) Is used in connection with the sale of $1000 or more of agricultural products in a normal year; or
(B) Is used in connection with the raising, feeding, and management of at least the following number of adult animals: four equines; five cattle or American bison; fifteen swine; fifteen goats; fifteen sheep; fifteen fallow deer; fifteen red deer; fifty turkeys; fifty geese; one-hundred laying hens; two-hundred and fifty broilers, pheasant, Chukar partridge, or Coturnix quail; three camelids; four ratites (ostriches, rheas, and emus); thirty rabbits; one hundred ducks; or one-thousand pounds of cultured trout; or
(C) Is used by a farmer filing with the Internal Revenue Service a 1040 (F) income tax statement in at least one of the past two years; or
(D) Is on a farm with a business and farm management plan approved by the Commissioner.
Cost of replacements
Critical Facility
Building Utilities
Shortest horizontal distance from project to the top of bank of any stream/river
Proposed Fill
Extent of damage
Recreational Vehicles
Method and practices of construction to minimize flood damage
Development in Hazard Areas
Improvements to existing structure(s)
Building removal in whole or part
Open Space, Recreation
Existing or proposed drainage
Materials used in construction (materials must be flood resistant)
New Structure(s)
At Grade Parking
Storage Tanks
Date of event
Stream Crossing/Access
Cost of repairs
Dimensions of existing/proposed structures
Channel Management
Cost of improvements
Road Improvements
Project Cost Details
Project Activities
Dimensions of additional structures
Small Accessory Structure
Provide information on any previous repairs, replacements or improvements you have made to structures located on your property
Provide information to demonstrate that the cumulative effect of your project, when combined with all other existing and anticipated encroachments on the hazard areas, will not increase the base flood elevation more than 1.00 foot at any point within the community (the demonstration must be supported by rechnical data that conforms to standard hydraulic engineering principles and certified by a licensed professional engineer)
Road Maintenance
Is the proposed project a result of a flood event?
Project costs means all structural costs including material, labor, built-in appliance, overhead, profit, repairs made to damaged portions of the building worked on at the same time. Please include the following in your project costs:

All structural elements, including:
~ spread or continuous foundation footings and pilings
~ monolithic or other types of concrete slabs
~ bearing walls, tie beams and trusses
~ floors and ceilings
~ attached decks and porches
~ interior partition walls
~ exterior wall finishes (brick, stucco, siding) including painting and moldings
~ windows and doors
~ rehinging or retiling a roof
~ hardware
All interior finishing elements, including:
~ tiling, linoleum, stone, or carpet over subflooring
~ bathroom tiling and fixtures
~ wall finishes (drywall, painting, stucco, plaster, paneling, marble, etc.)
~ kitchen, utility and bathroom cabinets
~ built-in bookcases, cabinets, and furniture
~ hardware
All utility and service equipment, including:
~ HVAC equipment
~ plumbing and electrical services
~ light fixtures and ceiling fans
~ security systems
~ built-in kitchen appliances
~ central vacuum systems
~ water filtration, conditioning, or recirculation systems
Cost to demolish storm-damaged building components, including:
~ labor and other costs associated with moving or altering undamaged building components to accommodate improvements or additions
~ Overhead and profits

Do Not Include plans and specifications, survey costs, permit fees, post-storm debris removal and clean up, outside improvements such as landscaping, sidewalks, fences, yard lights, swimming pools, screened pool enclosures, detached structures (including garages, sheds and gazebos), or landscape irrigation systems in your project costs.
(Special Flood Hazard Areas and Fluvial Erosion Hazard Areas)

Section 803 of the Brandon Land Use Ordinance applies to any land development/construction proposed or undertaken in the designated Fluvial Erosion Hazard Areas and Special Flood Hazard Areas (“Hazard Areas”). Please provide the following information if your property is located in a designated hazard area.
Elevation/relocation or demolition of existing structure (whole or partial)
Storm Water Drainage
Project Description
Replacement or New Water Supply/Septic Systems
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Estimated Fee

**The fees will be reviewed by the building department before the application is processed or issued.

I certify that the statements made by me in this Application For Land Use Permit are accurate and complete. I hereby grant permission to the Town of Brandon to allow its agent to inspect this property relative to this application for both approval and to ensure compliance once project is complete. I understand that this is an application for a local permit only.
Note: Your application fee will be reviewed and we'll reach out to you when it's finalized.
Required Recording Fee Type Fee
Memorandum of Municipal Actions (usually one page), VT WW permits, etc. $15.00 per Page
Survey Mylars $25.00 per Sheet
Application Type Fee
0-3 Parcels Involved $60.00 per Lot
4+ Parcels Involved $85.00 per Lot
Boundry Line Adjustments $135.00
Construction, Alteration, Reconstruction, Relocation, Conversion, Structural Enlargement
For Commercial Applications $95.00
For New Residential Construction (includes attached decks, porches, garage; If included on same application) $85.00
For Residential Additions to a Structure $53.00
Mining, excavation operations, earthen material removal in excess of 14 cu. yds. $85.00
Home Occupations (per BLUO Section 405) $53.00
Swim Pools (Private (per BLUO Section 406): only required for in-ground pools, includes fence.) $33.00
Fences (Permit required if height is over 73 inches above grade. (per BLUO Section 402)) $53.00
Accessory Structures (Permit required if over 80 sq. ft. (per Definition & BLUO Section 402)) $53.00
Substantial Change to Nature or Intensity of current Structure or Land’s Use $53.00
Interior Renovations to residential structure to increases number of bedrooms or dwelling Units $53.00
Interior Renovations to non-residential primary structure(s), done in contemplation of a change to nature or intensity of Use $53.00
Razing a Structure in Central Business District OR structure(s) over 500 sq. ft. in other districts. $43.00
Signs (per BLUO Section 407); fee includes up to 1 each of 5 types of signs IF on same application $53.00
Development in Special Flood Hazard Areas (per BLUO Article VIII) $53.00
ZA Certificate of Occupancy for projects in SFHA $53.00
DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD (DRB) HEARINGS Appeals (fee refundable if Appeal granted), Variances, Conditional Uses, Waivers, Act 250 local reviews. $235.00
ZA Review for Zoning Compliance
Option 1: An emailed request to the ZA to research any known Notice of Violations for a specific property will be addressed (usually within two weeks) by researching any records readily available within the Town Office records, and a reply emailed. This minimal research is not to be considered a formal ZA Opinion. There is no fee. $0.00
Option 2: A request for a formal ZA Review Letter needs to be submitted in writing, detail any specific issues of concern, & include Fee payment. This level of ZA (max. 2 hours) research will include an exterior Site Inspection. The request letter should include granting the ZA permission to enter exterior of subject property, and the contact information for any Occupants. Additional review time required or requested shall be invoiced for cost to the Town.
Residential $50.00
Commercial $100.00
Fee Schedule
Please Attach the documents below and any other related documents:

  • A Site Plan or an Accurate Sketch of the lot showing all existing structures and all proposed construction. Give all dimensions of lots and structures, as well as the distance from property lines, other structures and septic.

Addendum A Requirements:
  • If you propose a new, or an increase to an existing (connection to a municipal wastewater supply) Attach a Sewer Capacity Permit.
  • If you propose a new, or an increase to an existing (private wastewater disposal system); Attach a Certification of a Designer licensed by the State of Vermont or state permit approval.
  • If Water supply is (will be) provided by town water by connection to Brandon Fire District 1 or 2; Attach Approval Letter.
  • If Water supply is (will be) provided by private well or water source; Attach State Permit Approval.
  • If the water will create an increase in the intensity of Traffic; Attach an Access Permit (If Required).
  • If the traffic flow generated will be beyond the capacity of local roads; Attach Certification by Public Works that local roads are adequate or scheduled to be upgraded.
  • If all new driveways will have an area to turn around on site; Attach Access (Driveway Cut) Permit.
  • If your project involves any areas of steep slope; Attach Certification by a Professional Engineer.
  • If a sufficient number of off-street parking spaces will be provided; Attach a Parking Plan showing 9' x 18' spaces for each vehicle (Not required if property is located in Central Business District).
  • If there will be development within 100’ from the mean high water mark of named river and streams; Attach Vermont State Floodplain Coordinator Approval (If Necessary).
  • For junkyards; Attach State Certification.

Addendum B Requirements:
  • A Plan showing the original lot boundary lines and the proposed new boundary lines and dimensions (including acreage).

Addendum C Requirements:
  • A Detailed Drawing, or Blueprint showing the construction details of the sign and showing the following:
  1. Lot dimensions and building location/dimensions.
  2. Lettering and/or pictorial matter composing the sign.
  3. Position/location of sign.
  4. Method and intensity of lighting and information regarding any proposed lighting fixtures.
  5. Details of any other extraneous devices.
  6. Method of attachment to the buildings or in the ground.
  7. A Color Sketch of the sign and building as they would appear in relation to each other.

Addendum D Requirements:
  • A Sketch indicating existing & proposed structures and distance to property lines and roadways.
  • If Setbacks are not met; Attach a Waiver from the VT Department of Agriculture.

Addendum E Requirements:
  • Drawing of your project or attach A Survey. Include the following in the project drawing:
  1. Location of, and dimensions for, all structures presently on or to be constructed on the property.
  2. Location of infrastructure improvements i.e., water lines, sewer lines, power lines/poles, water sources (wells), wastewater disposal systems, etc.
  • A Copy of a Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Project Review Sheet for your project. The Project Review Sheet shall identify all State and Federal Agencies from which permit approval is required for your project, and shall be filed as a required attachment to this permit application. The identified permits, or letters indicating that such permits are not required, shall be submitted in connection with this permit application before work can begin.
  • If the proposed project is a result of a flood event; Attach Pictures of Damage caused by flood event.
  • Site Plans of the project proposed, including specifically, but not limited to, the following project details:
  1. Dimensions of any existing or proposed structures and/or additions.
  2. Location of all water supply and wastewater disposal systems, utility lines, driveways, easements, parking areas, etc.
  3. Project cost of repairs, replacements and/or improvements.
  4. Do not include plans and specifications, survey costs, permit fees, post-storm debris removal and clean up, outside improvements such as landscaping, sidewalks, fences, yard lights, swimming pools, screened pool enclosures, detached structures (including garages, sheds and gazebos), or landscape irrigation systems in your project costs.

  5. Location and design (including elevation) of electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed/located so as to prevent water from entering and accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding.
  6. Materials used in construction (materials must be flood resistant).
  7. Method and practices of construction to minimize flood damage.
  8. Anchoring devices adequate to prevent flotation, collapse, release, or lateral movement of the structure.
  9. Any existing or proposed drainage.
  10. Location of all bodies of water and channel locations and the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated.
  11. Location of fuel storage tanks, including elevation of tank to be a minimum of one foot above base flood elevation and securely anchored to prevent flotation or placed underground if securely anchored as certified by a qualified professional.
  12. Shortest horizontal distance from your project to the top of the bank of any stream or river.
  13. Any proposed fill, and pre and post development grades.
  14. The elevation of, existing and proposed, lowest floors, as referenced to the same vertical datum as the elevation on the current Flood Insurance Rate Maps. (Note: the lowest floor must be at least one foot above base flood elevation, which elevation must be documented, in as-built condition, with a FEMA Elevation Certificate.)
  15. Documentation of floodproofing measures and the level to which your structure will be floodproofed/wetproofed.