Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
  • First fifty (50) pages of black and white or legal-sized copies: No Charge.

  • Pages of black and white or legal-sized copies over fifty (50) pages: $0.15 per page.

  • Certified copies: $1.00 per certified copy.

Delivery Preference


Do you want to inspect the records?
Please note not all public documents are available in electronic format. If the document(s) requested are not available electronically, the City of Oakbrook Terrace will make them available for inspection or by paper copy in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
Requestor Information
Request Details

Do you agree to receive a response to this FOIA request within 15 working days? If No, the City of Oakbrook Terrace will respond to your request within five (5) working days with a possible five (5) working day extension as permitted under the Act.

FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
Preferred Delivery Method
Last Name
Do you want certified copies of records?
Fee Schedule

Is this request for commercial purposes? If yes, the City has 21 days to respond to your request.

Please note that if, for some reason, copies of records are provided to a requester that is not on black and white, legal or letter sized paper, the Governor's office will charge a fee that will not exceed the actual cost of reproduction.
Is this request for the Police Department?
Phone #
If your request is related to a property, please specify the address.
  • Any person who wishes to inspect and/or obtain copies of public records from the City of Oakbrook Terrace shall submit in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
  • In lieu of submitting a request, if you are here to find open permits for a property, please refer to the City of Oakbrook Terrace public map. Click the image below to open the map and search for an address. Once you open the property profile, you can see public records associated with this property, including a full permit history.
Please be as specific as possible in describing the records being requested.
Company Name
First Name
17W275 Butterfield Road
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
(630) 941-8300 ext. 267
Fax #