Landlord Registration
Begin typing address and click the magnifying glass or hit enter to select from the populated dropdown *
Last Name
First Name
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
(732) 530-2764


  • Please use either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your browser, and make sure they are up-to-date.
  • Total Ownership must equal 100% between the applicant and additional owners, if any
    Tenant details must be entered.
  • A Floor Plan must be attached in the Certification tab.
    Acceptable file attachment types: JPG/JPEG, GIF, PND, BMP, SVG, TIF/TIFF, MPEG, MOV, AVI, PDF, DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, RTF, PPT/PPTX, TXT, CSV, and ZIP.

Please Note: If anything that is required is missing, you will get a pop-up message or a window labeled "Required Information Missing" to direct you to the fields that need to be addressed.

Important Note: Lead-Safe Certificate Law requires all landlords of every single family, 2-family, and multi-family rental to provide a current Lead Safe Certificate for each rental turnover for all properties built prior to 1978.

  • Property
  • Contacts
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Mortgage
  • Certification
# of Stories
Move in Date
Is Dwelling Vacant? *
Oil *
# of units (if 3+)? *
Specify which of the following utilities are provided at this property by the Property Owner.
Water *
Building Name(s)
Lock Box #
Electric *
Property Type *
Apt/Unit #
# of Legal/Approved Bedrooms
Is There a Mortgage on the Property? *
Lockbox Location
Total # of Buildings on Property *
If Other
Application Type *
Sewer *
Gas *
Property Details
# of Dwelling Units *
Address *
Type *
Policy # *
City, State, ZIP
Email *
Heating Dealer Address
Supervisor Information
Company Name *
Heating Dealer Name
Property Owner
Type *
Company Address *
Mailing Address
Company Phone # *
Realtor Details
Phone #
Company City, State, Zip *
Phone #
Disclaimer: If a Tenant is a minor, you must specify their age. You must enter at least one tenant to be allowed to submit.
Tenant Details
Heating Details
Heating Dealer Phone #
Maintenance Provider
Phone # *
Business Name
Phone #
City, State, ZIP
% of Ownership *
Full Address, City, State, ZIP
Insurance Company Information
% Owned by Additional Owners
Total % Owned (must equal 100%)
Please specify additional owners and percentage owned, if applicable.
Expiration Date *
Heating Grade
Name *
Phone # *
Name *
- At least one Emergency Contact MUST be a Monmouth County Resident.
Email *
Email *
Emergency Contact Role Is *
Name *
Phone # *
Emergency Contact Role Is *
Emergency Contact Role Is *
Phone # *
Emergency Contacts
Bank Address *
Mortgage Holder Information
First Name *
Bank City, State, Zip *
Bank Name *
City, State, Zip *
Mortgage Bank Information
Bank Phone # *
Address *
Last Name *
Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
Fee Schedule
If Acceptable Number of Tenants Entered is not displayed below, you will not be able to submit.

N.J.A.C. 5:29-1.1
5:29-1.1 Applicability
(a) Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 46:8-28 and 46:8-29, the form prescribed by this subchapter is required to be given by landlords to tenants in single unit dwellings and in two – unit dwellings that are not owner-occupied and to be filed in the office of the clerk of the municipality in which any such single unit dwelling or two-unit dwelling is situated.
(b) Tenants in multiple dwellings are required to be given a copy of the certificate of registration filed with the Bureau of Housing Inspection in accordance with N.J.S.A. 55:13A-12, N.J.S.A. 46:8-28 and N.J.A.C. 5:10-1.11. (Contact the Bureau of Housing Inspection, P.O. Box 810, Trenton, New Jersey 08625 (609) 633-6240 for registration applications for buildings with three or more dwelling units).

Please attach your  Lead-Safe Certificate as Law requires all landlords of every single family, 2-family, and multi-family rental to provide a current Lead Safe Certificate for each rental turnover for all properties built prior to 1978.

First Time Registration: $50.00
Tenant Change: $20.00

Check, Money Order or Cash payments only. Please do not mail Cash.

Fee Due
If 100% Ownership Entered is not displayed below, you will not be able to submit.
Do you acknowledge and agree to the above certification? *
Applicant Signature *
Please attach floor plan for each dwelling unit and any other necessary documenation.