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Delivery Preference
Please note that your preferred method of delivery will only be accommodated if the custodian has the technological means and the integrity of the records will not be jeopardized by such method of delivery.
The City of LaSalle has five (5) business days from the day after the public body receives the request. However, that time period may be extended for an additional five (5) business days from the date of the Original due date if:

1. The requested information is stored at a different location;
2. The request requires the collection of a substantial number of documents;
3. The request requires an extensive search;
4. The requested records have not been located and require additional effort to find;
5. The requested records need to be reviewed by staff who can determine whether they are exempt from FOIA;
6. The requested records cannot be produced without unduly burdening the public body or interfering with its operations;
7. The request requires the public body to consult with another public body that has substantial interest in the subject matter of the request.
8. If additional time is needed, the public body must notify the requester in writing within 5 business days after the receipt of the request of the statutory reasons for the extension and when the requested information will be produced.

For Commercial Requests

The City of LaSalle has twenty one (21) business days to respond to a request for information that is made for a commercial purpose.

Denial of Requests

The Freedom of Information Act is located in the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) (5 ILCS 140).
There are now two primary sections within the FOIA that cover exemptions. First, Section 7 of 5 ILCS 140 contains a long list of classes and subclasses exempt from inspection and copying. Section 7.5 thereafter sets forth a list of exemptions derived from other Illinois statutes.
In the event of a denial, you have the right to seek review by the Public Access Counselor:

(217) 558-0486
500 S. Second Street
Springfield, IL 62705

or you have the right to judicial review under Section 11 of FOIA.

Is the reason for this request a “commercial purpose” as defined in the Freedom of Information Act?
The Illinois Freedom of Information Act allows charges of 15 cents per hard copy for every page over 50 pages. Charges for copies needed to be done at a professional printer shall not exceed the City of LaSalle's cost for reproduction.
State if this request is to inspect records or receive a copy of information *
Click here to view the Statute
General Information
Last Name *
Is Certification needed for this request?
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Phone # *
If the records are kept in electronic format, you may request a specific format and they will be so provided, if feasible. If not feasible, they will be provided either in the electronic format in which they are kept, and you will be required to pay the actual cost of the medium only (i.e., CD, DVD, etc.), or in paper as you select.
Balance Remaining
Please be as specific as possible in describing the records being requested: *
Company Name
First Name *
Fax #
Email *