Type Full Name :
Sign With Hand
General description of material to be placed in dumpster:
Property Owner Phone # *
Arrival Date *
Permit Type *
Proof of Insurance Coverage - Prior to any Permit being issued for the placement of a Portable Storage Unit or Dumpster which, in whole or in part, is upon any street, sidewalks or within any public right of way, the property owner shall provide sufficient proof of insurance coverage of One Million Dollars $1,000,000 dollars for a combined single limit bodily injury and property damage coverage, which may be from the Portable Storage Unit or Dumpster rental company, naming the Borough of Belmar, its agents, servants, officials and employees, as additional insureds.
Contact Name *
Property Owner Email *
Applicant Name *
Dumpster Size *
Property Owner Name
Company Name *
Unit Location
Phone # *
Applicant Signature *
Attachments *
Number of Days/Months
Dumpster Permit (10 days max) - $50
Dumpster Permit Renewal - $50 per each additional 10 days
Pod Permit - $50 per month
POD used during construction or renovation to the main residence - $100 for the first three (3) months.
POD used during construction or renovation to the main residence (Renewal) - $100 for the first three (3) month renewal thereafter. After the initial six (6) month period, the fee for a POD permit shall be $25.00 for each additional one (1) month renewal.

The office will review your application and notify you once approved. Please remit all payments in person at the Borough of Belmar.

This application is for new dumpster/pods only, if you are renewing please contact 732-681-3700 ex 235
Address *
Phone # *
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Applicant Information
By providing required fee and application, applicant will adhere to all applicable Borough Code sections. Failure to comply will result in fines in accordance with applicable Borough Code sections.
Email *
Contractor Email
Anticipated Removal Date *