- Contacts
- Contacts Contd.
- Project
- Property (Existing)
- Proposed
- Zoning
- Environmental Impact
- Attachments & Fees
- Certification
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Are any new streets, extension of municipal facilities or utilities involved with this application?
Type of existing surface of street
Building Ground Area New Total
If so, when
Building Height Feet
Are drainage ditches, streams, or other water courses involved with this application?
Result of decision
Size of Non-Conforming Lots
Location of nearest sanitary sewer
Detail Proposed Information
Lot Lines (Feet)
List other approvals which may be required and date plans submitted.
# of Non-Conforming Lots
# Stories
Proposed # of units
Proposed # of Lots
Has a Zoning denial been received as part of this application? If yes, please attach forms as necessary in the "Attachments" tab.
Tax and Assessment payment report indication of all taxes and/or assessment required to be paid attached to this application?
List floors and the total area of each.
Are all proposed lots conforming?
Building Floor Area Total
Sell lots only
If you checked any of the above, please explain
Has there been any previous applications before the Planning/Zoning Board/Land Use Board involving these premises?
Proposed Building Area
Location of nearest public water supply
Proposed use(s) for site
Existing # of units
Please Indicate intent :
Does subdivision abut or affect any County, State, or Federal Highways, properties, or facilities? If answer is YES, describe
Are any easements or special covenants by deed involved with this application?
Set Backs
List proposed improvements and utilities and intensions to install or post perform:
Construct houses on lots for sale
23. Will the site development produce odors?
If you checked any of the above, please explain
14. Will the operation of the site exceed the existing ambient noise levels?
4. Does the site development require the removal of any trees of six (6) inches or greater in tru diameter?
20. Will the site development require the installation of new or removal of existing septic systems or other liquid waste facilities?
12. Will the operation of the site increase local vehicular traffic?
21. Are any extensions of municipal facilities or utilities involved with this application?
(Single and two-family homes not located in a proposed minor or major subdivision are excluded from the requirement of this section)
13. Will the operation of the site increase the air pollution in the area?
7. Will the site development require the import or removal of soil from the area?
15. Will the site to be developed impact on any area designated in the Borough of Bradley Beach's Master Plan for future conservation?
17. Is the site to be developed ever been used for storage or disposal of, or presently contain hazardous or toxic wastes?
2. Is the site to be developed located in a wetlands area as delineated on the Wetlands Inventory Maps?
8. Will the site development require directing surface drainage into a watercourse?
19. Will the site development increase the present intensity levels of light in the area?
3. Is the site to be developed located in the 100 year flood plain as delineated on either FEMA maps or NJDEP flood maps?
Environmental Impact Preliminary Statement
22. Will the site development affect the water table in the area?
11. Will the site development require special foundation provisions such as piles and/or spread footing to support any structures?
9. Will the site development have any impact on Borough's services presently provided such as
police, fire, public works, public schools, sewers and drainage facilities?
5. Does the site development require the alteration, channelization or relocation of any watercourse?
Any subsequent finding by the Approving Agency contrary to the statements made herein by the applicant shall constitute grounds for rejection of the application. The applicant has a legal responsibility to answer truthfully and completely all questions to the best of the applicant's knowledge and information and will be held accountable for the responses provided.
NOTE: If any of the following questions are answered yes or other, attach an additional piece of paper to explain.
16. Is the site to be developed served by existing public utilities?
1. Is the site to be developed located in an environmentally critical area as delineated in the
Borough's Natural Resource Inventory and any amendments thereto?
10. Will any excavation required for the development penetrate the high water table in existence at the site?
18. Has the site to be developed proposed for the use, storage or manufacture of hazardous material, toxic substances or dangerous chemicals?
6. Will the site development introduce any change in the quality and/or quantity of present storm water runoff?
Please note application fees are NOT refundable whether your application has been approved, denied, or withdrawn; however, any unused portion of your escrow deposit can be refunded once the project is complete. A written request must be received by the Board Office in order to begin the refund process.
Classification |
Application Fee |
Escrow Fee |
Initial consultation and concept plan review |
None |
$500 |
Initial fee escrow and completeness determination |
None |
$500 |
Informal sketch subdivision plat or sketch site plan |
$200 |
$500 |
Minor Subdivision Application
Plus Tax Map revision |
$750 |
$500 |
Minor Site Plan Application |
$750 |
$1,500 |
Preliminary Major Subdivision Application |
$1,000 |
$2,500 |
Final Major Subdivision Application
Plus Tax Map revision |
$400 |
$200 per lot |
Preliminary Major Site Plan Application |
$1,000 |
$2,500 |
Final Major Site Plan Application
Plus Tax Map revision |
$400 |
$200 per unit |
Amended Plan Approval Application |
1/2 original Application Fee |
$500 |
Conditional Use Application |
$400 |
$750 |
Bulk (c) Variance Application |
$125 each variance |
$750 |
Use (d) Variance Application |
$500 |
$1,500 |
Completeness Waiver Request |
$100/each request |
$500 |
Extension of Time Application |
$200 |
$500 |
Appeals and Requests for Interpretation |
$200 |
$500 |
Copies of Transcripts and Tapes |
None |
$200 |
Decisions and Resolutions |
None |
$200 |
Resolution Compliance Review |
None |
$750 |
Zoning Permit Requests |
$35 |
None |
List of Property Owners |
$10 |
None |
Publication of Final Decisions |
$35 |
None |
Special Meetings |
$750 |
Determined by the administrative officer of the Board. |
- Site Plan:
Checklist for Site plan
- 1 Copy of drawings of site plan and then submit 6 initial hard copies in person.
- 3 X 5 photographs of the existing site, showing all portions thereof.
- Required Fee.
- Completed application forms.
- Scale.
- Entire site with accurate dimensions to allow calculation of total area.
- Existing and proposed structure location with accurate dimensions.
- Construction materials.
- Area of each existing and proposed structure.
- Lighting provisions.
- Signs and location and size thereof.
- Landscaping layout.
- Screening, fencing, retaining walls, etc.
- Drainage provisions (existing & proposed) and supporting data (e.g.calculations).
- Parking area and spaces(including loading area), and calculation of the required number of spaces.
- Tax map sheet, block and lot numbers.
- Streets or roads and extent of any improvement for proposed site.
- Natural characteristics surrounding the site.
- Fire Official Code Enforcement Regulations.
- Soil erosion.
- Streams or other waterways on proposed site and extent of any improvement.
- Other existing and proposed improvements (sidewalks, curbs, pavement, etc).
- Easements, existing and proposed (public and private).
- Cross-section details of roadways and all other proposed construction.
- Sufficient elevations and contours to permit determination of general slop and drainage and high and low points.
- Numbers of employees if commercial (full and part-time).
- Architectural elevations of each structure.
- Complete floor plans for each structure.
- Location of proposed outside storage and loading.
- If new block and lot numbers have been approved by the Tax Assessor, attach proof.
- If there has been any previous applications before the Planning/Zoning Board/Land Use Board involving these premises, attach copy of prior Resolution (if applicable).
- If any easements or special covenants by deed are involved with this application, attach proof.
- If a Zoning denial has been received as part of this application, attach proof.
- If applicant is not the owner, Owner(s)’ Affidavit of Authorization and Consent must be completed & submitted with this application.
- You must submit an original plus 16 copies of the application along with an original and 16 copies of all supporting documentation and plans (Site Plans, Surveys, Plats, Architectural Plans) which must be to scale and folded. You must also submit the proper fees associated with your application in accordance with Chapter 60. Land Use Procedures (attached).
- If you are submitting for completeness determination ONLY, you may submit an original and 2 copies of the application along with an original and 2 copies of all supporting documentation and plans (Site Plans, Surveys, Plats, Architectural Plans) which must be to scale and folded. Once the application is deemed complete you must submit the remaining 14 copies of the application along with 14 copies of all supporting documentation and plans as indicated above.
- Certification from Tax Collector that all taxes due on the subject property have been paid.
- List of Maps, Reports, and other materials
- Copy of the Notice to Appear in the official newspaper of the municipality and to be mailed to the owners of all real property, as shown on the current tax duplicate, located within the State and within 200 feet in all directions of the property which is the subject of this application. The Notice must specify the sections of the Ordinance from which relief is sought, if applicable. The publication and the service on the affected owners must be accomplished at least 10 days prior to the date scheduled by the Administrative Officer for the hearing. An affidavit of service on all property owners and a proof of publication must be filed before the application will be complete and the hearing can proceed.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to mail or deliver copies of the application form and all supporting documents to the members of the professional staff (Engineer, Planning Consultant, Attorney for the Board to which the application is being submitted) for their review. The documentation must be received by the professional staff at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the meeting at which the application is to be considered, otherwise, the application will be deemed incomplete. Please find a list of staff below.
Attach the following documents below, as applicable:
I certify that the foregoing statements and the materials submitted are true. I further certify that I am the individual applicant or that I am an officer of the corporate applicant and that I am authorized to sign the application for the corporation or that I am a general partner of the partnership applicant. (If the applicant is a corporation this must be signed by an authorized corporate officer. If the applicant is a partnership this must be signed by a general partner).
I understand that the amount applicable has been deposited in an escrow account in accordance with the Ordinance of the Borough of Bradley Beach. I further understand that the escrow is established to cover the cost of professional services including engineering, planning, legal and other expenses associated with the review of submitted materials. Sums not utilized in the review process shall be returned. If additional sums are deemed necessary, I understand that I will be notified of the required additional amount and shall add that sum to the escrow account within fifteen (15) days of notification.
I certify that I am the owner of the property, which is the subject of this application, that I have authorized the applicant to make this application and that I agree to be bound by the application, the representations made and the decision in the same manner as if I were the applicant. (If the applicant is a corporation this must be signed by an authorized corporate officer. If the applicant is a partnership this must be signed by a general partner.
I hereby authorize any member of the Borough of Bradley Beach Land Use Board, any of said of Board’s professionals or reviewing agencies of the Board to enter upon the property, which is the subject matter of this application, during daylight hours, for limited purpose of viewing same to report and comment to the Board as to the pending application.
Escrow Agreement
I/we fully understand an “Escrow Account” will be established to cover the costs of the professional services which will include engineering, legal, planning, architectural, and any other expenses incurred in connection with the review of this application before the Board.
The amount of the Escrow Deposit will be determined by the Borough of Bradley Beach Ordinance Chapter 60. Land Use Procedures Section 60-29. Application fees and escrow requirements. Please see attached for details.
Any request for replenishment of escrow funds shall be due within fifteen [15] days of receipt of the request. If payment is not received within that time, applicant will be considered to be in default, and such default may jeopardize appearance before the Board and/or hold up of any and all pending approvals and building permits. Continued refusal will result in legal action against the property.
Also, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.1, all unused portion of the escrow account will be refunded upon written request from the applicant, and verification of completion by the board’s professionals who reviewed the application.
By signature below, I/we acknowledge receipt of the Borough of Bradley Beach’s Chapter 60. Land Use Procedures Section 60-29. Application fees and escrow requirements and agree to all conditions listed.
Applicant Signature