I further certify that I understand that pursuant Ordinance #2009-18 of the {[CNAME]}, that I am required to file an amended Annual Registration Statement with the {[CNAME]} within seven (7) days of any changes to the information contained herein.
Furthermore, I certify that I understand that in accordance to Ordinance 284-12 Certificate transferability, a certificate of inspection shall be transferable to a new owner, provided that the new owner has complied with the registration requirements of § 284-5, the prior owner has complied with all requirements of this chapter, and there are no outstanding violation notices.
I also certify that I understand Ordinance 284-5 Transfer of ownership where every new owner of a rental dwelling unit, whether as fee owner or contract purchaser, shall furnish the Clerk, prior to taking possession, with any changes in the registration information occasioned by the change in ownership. Provided the prior owner has complied with all the requirements of this chapter and there are no outstanding violation notices, no new registration fee shall be required until the next annual registration is required.
By signing below, I hereby declare and certify under penalty of law that the information provided in this Annual Rental Registration Statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge in all of its particulars as of the date indicated.