Intended date of the Event
What is this application for?
430 Park Ave
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
{[APHONE]} ext 211/212
In which Municipality?
Provide details of where and when the event will be held (in the State of New Jersey)
  • Guidelines
  • Applicant A
  • Applicant B
  • Ceremony

Requirements for entering into a Marriage:

For two persons to establish a Marriage/ Civil Union in this State, it shall be necessary that they satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • Not be a party to another civil union, domestic partnership or marriage in this State or recognized by this State.
  • Be of the same sex for civil union; marriages can be same or opposite sex couples.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.

Required documents when applying for a Marriage/ Civil Union license:

  • Proof of identity such as your driver's license, passport or state/federal I.D.
  •  Proof of your residency.
  •  Know your social security number. *Social security number is required by law for US citizens and will be kept confidential.
  •  A witness, 18 years of age or older that is required to be present when you visit the office.
  •  The $28 application fee, Cash or Check.

Any documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified English translation.

After you apply:

There is a 72-hour waiting period before the license is issued. The waiting period begins when the application is filed with the Local Registrar. There is no 72 hour waiting period for a Remarriage/Reaffirmation of Civil Union; however, you must bring a certified copy of your existing Marriage/Civil Union certificate.
The marriage/civil union license application may remain in the Registrar's office for six months from the date accepted, unless the Registrar has given prior approval to extend the validity of the application to a maximum of one year.
Once the marriage/civil union license is issued and removed from the Registrar's office, it is only valid for 30 DAYS.



Name given on Birth Certificate
Name of Most Recent Civil Union Partner
Municipality of Residence
Name of Most Recent Spouse
Are you related to Applicant B?
Current Name (if different)
Street Address
Phone #
(For Remarriage to the same spouse, or Reaffirmation of Civil Union to the same partner ONLY)
Type of Ceremony
Domestic Status (at this time)
# of times ever Married
Declaration of Applicant A
Parent's Full Name at Birth
Place of Birth
# of times ever in a Civil Union
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
If "Yes," how?
Place of Birth
Name on Birth Certificate (First, Middle, Last)
Parent's Full Name at Birth
Applicants MUST provide their social security numbers (N.J.S. 37:1-17). Social Security Numbers shall be kept confidential and may only be released for child support purposes and this document shall not be considered a public record pursuant to P.L. 1963, C.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) Giving false information constitues perjury.
Domestic Status (at this time)
If "Yes," how?
Street Address
Place of Birth
# of times ever Married
(For Remarriage to the same spouse, or Reaffirmation of Civil Union to the same partner ONLY)
# of times ever in a Civil Union
Phone #
Name of Most Recent Spouse
Place of Birth
Municipality of Residence
Current Name (if different)
Name given on Birth Certificate
Name on Birth Certificate (First, Middle, Last)
Date of Birth
Name of Most Recent Civil Union Partner
Declaration of Applicant B
Parent's Full Name at Birth
Type of Ceremony
Parent's Full Name at Birth
Place of Birth
Applicants MUST provide their social security numbers (N.J.S. 37:1-17). Social Security Numbers shall be kept confidential and may only be released for child support purposes and this document shall not be considered a public record pursuant to P.L. 1963, C.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) Giving false information constitues perjury.
Are you related to Applicant A?
Provide a mailing address and phone number where either applicant can be reached after the ceremony
Mailing Address
  • Please call our office if you need to discuss time.
    • For summer hours, you can visit the office from 9 AM - 3 PM on Monday and Tuesday or 9 AM - 4:30 PM on Wednesday and Thursday. The rest of the year you can visit the office from 9 AM - 3 PM.
  • The applicants named in this application must appear before the Registrar TOGETHER, unless previously authorized by the Registrar, or in the event of an emergency.

Note that this application CANNOT be mailed to the Registrar's Office.

  • When presenting yourselves to the Registrar you must bring the following items with you:
  1. Proof of identity, e.g. Driver's license, passport or state/federal I.D.
  2. Proof of residency, only if your identification is not your valid Driver's License and you live in {[CITY]}, e.g. Bank Statement, Utility Bill, Pay Stub within last ninety (90) days.
  3. Your Social Security Number (will be kept confidential).
  4. A witness, eighteen (18) years of age or older (must speak/understand English).
  5. Application Fee of $28.00, Cash or Check.
  6. If either applicant is divorced or widowed (Date & Place of Divorce/Widowed).
  • The witness must know BOTH Applicants, and must be aged eighteen (18) years or older. This witness must present themselves WITH the Applicants to the Registrar’s Office to sign the Oath of Application and Identifying Witness.

  • To make arrangements for the Mayor to officiate your ceremony, please call Britney Marvel at 908 322-6700 ext 313. There is $150 fee for this service.
Name (First, Middle, Last)
Next Steps
Title (Priest, Minister, Rabbi, etc.)
Mailing Address
Provide details of the person that will be officiating the ceremony
Select a preferred date and time for your appointment.
Please provide a valid proof of identity, ex. Drivers License, passport, federal/state ID etc.
All Valid Photo ID’s required before submitting (Applicant A,B & Witness)
Application Fee
Phone #