Civil Union
What type of Application is this? *
Reaffirmation of Civil Union
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
  • Applicant A
  • Applicant B
  • Ceremony
Former Domestic Partner
Social Security Number
Email *
Name of Most Recent Civil Union Partner
Municipality of Residence *
Sex *
Name of Most Recent Spouse
Are you related to Applicant B? *
Current Name (if different)
Street Address *
Former Civil Union Partner
Phone *
State *
(For Remarriage to the same spouse, or Reaffirmation of Civil Union to the same partner ONLY)
Ceremony Type
Current Civil Union Partner
Domestic Status (at this time) *
Number of times ever Married
Declaration of Applicant A
Parent's Full Name at Birth *
Civil Union
County *
Place of Birth *
Number of times ever in a Civil Union
Date of Birth *
State of Birth *
If "Yes," how?
State of Birth *
Name on Birth Certificate (First, Middle, Last) *
Parent's Full Name at Birth *
Applicants MUST provide their social security numbers (N.J.S. 37:1-17)
Social Security Numbers shall be kept confidential and may only be released for child support purposes and this document shall not be considered a public record pursuant to P.L. 1963, C.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.)
Giving false information constitues perjury.
Current Domestic Partner
Place of Original Ceremony
Street Address *
Former Domestic Partner
If "Yes," how?
Are you related to Applicant A? *
Parent's Full Name at Birth *
Current Civil Union Partner
(For Remarriage to the same spouse, or Reaffirmation of Civil Union to the same partner ONLY)
Place of Original Ceremony
Date of Birth *
State *
Current Domestic Partner
State of Birth *
Name of Most Recent Spouse
Phone *
Parent's Full Name at Birth *
Applicants MUST provide their social security numbers (N.J.S. 37:1-17)
Social Security Numbers shall be kept confidential and may only be released for child support purposes and this document shall not be considered a public record pursuant to P.L. 1963, C.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.)
Giving false information constitues perjury.
Municipality of Residence *
Domestic Status (at this time) *
Name on Birth Certificate (First, Middle, Last) *
Name of Most Recent Civil Union Partner
State of Birth *
Civil Union
County *
Current Name (if different)
Former Civil Union Partner
Place of Birth *
Email *
Number of times ever Married
Ceremony Type
Number of times ever in a Civil Union
Declaration of Applicant B
Social Security Number
Sex *
City *
When? *
Provide a mailing address and phone number where either applicant can be reached after the ceremony
Mailing Address *
Call (732) 356-7400 Ext. 238 to schedule an appointment.

The Applicants named in this application must appear before the Registrar TOGETHER, unless previously authorized by the Registrar, or in the event of an emergency.

Note that this application CANNOT be mailed to the Registrar's Office.

When presenting yourselves to the Registrar you must bring the following items with you:

  1. Proof of identity, e.g. Driver's license, passport or state/federal ID
  2. Proof of residency , only if your identification is not your valid Driver's License and you live in Middlesex, e.g. Bank Statement, Utility Bill, Pay Stub within last 90 days.
  3. Your Social Security Number (will be kept confidential)
  4. A witness, 18 years of age or older (must speak/understand English)
  5. $28.00 application fee
  6. If either applicant is divorced or widowed (Date & Place of Divorce/widowed )
If you are satisfied that the information provided in this online application is accurate click the button below to proceed.
State *
Name (First, Middle, Last) *
City *
Which Municipality? *
Witness Information
Next Steps
Provide details of where and when the ceremony will be held (in the State of New Jersey)
Correspondence Information
Title (Priest, Minister, Rabbi, etc.) *
State *
Mailing Address *
Provide details of the person that will be officiating the ceremony
The witness must know BOTH Applicants, and must be aged eighteen (18) years or older. This witness must present themselves with the Applicant to the Registrar's Office to sign the Oath of Applicants and Identifying Witness.
Ceremony Information
Officiant Information
Phone # *