Lot Size
General Information: *Fees will be assessed on an annual basis $250 per property. Reminder of registration renewal will arrive approximately 30 days prior to the due date. Your permit will arrive by mail at the address listed above after review by the compliance official. Properties actively listed for sale through a WI real estate broker will be charged one half the annual fee or $125 per property. Whomever is the designated contact, either the owner or the agent/management company one of which must be located within 50 miles of the {[CNAME]}.

Properties not registered: If the property is not registered after receiving notification from the City, or the Owner is unresponsive, it will be administratively registered, including any applicable fees and a contract for applicable services with the City vendor will be entered into on the Owner’s behalf, and all costs generated under this contract will be levied against the property as a special charge on the tax bill, if not paid but the Owner.

A property plan must be provided with this application. The plan shall: identify known code violations on the property; identify which repairs or alterations are either required or planned; how repairs or maintenance will be addressed; provide a timetable for repairs or maintenance, and either returning the building to occupancy, or to demolish.
Application Fee $250.00
Properties actively listed for sale through a WI real estate broker will be charged one half the annual fee or $125 per property.
Phone #
Property Address
Account #
Fee Schedule
Assessment Value
Application Fee
Legal Description
Company Name
Unit #
Registration Type
General Information
{[CITY]}, {[STATE]} {[ZIP]}
Sq. Ft.
  • Ordinance
  • Contacts
  • Property Details
  • Maintenance Plan
  • Maintenance Plan Continued
  • Attachments
  • Certification



  1. All buildings presently located within the City which are “vacant buildings” shall be registered by the owner thereof within thirty days after the effective date of this section. All buildings which hereafter become vacant shall be registered by the owner within thirty days from the date they become vacant. Written notice shall be given to the Code Official by the owner of such building and the owner shall register such building with the Code Official as required hereinafter, and provide such information and documentation as may be required by the Building Official.
    (Ord. 14-03. Passed 6-16-03.)
  2. The registration of a building vacancy shall not preclude action by the City to demolish or force rehabilitation of the building pursuant to other provisions of the Building Code or other statute or ordinance.
  3. Failure to comply with the approved plan shall constitute a violation of this section, subjecting the owner of the building to penalties as provided in this chapter.
    (Ord. 14-03. Passed 6-16-03.)
  4. The notice of “valid for 6 months” and must re-register if still vacant.
  5. If the property is sold prior to occupancy, file an updated information form with the new owner contact, and inform the new owner they are required to file this notice.
  6. The City may request an inspection of the property.
Property Owner Details
Phone #
City, State, ZIP
Financial Institution/Bank Details
Is this Parcel owned by a Corporation?
City, State, ZIP
Agent Name
Phone #
Add any additional owners:
Mailing Address
Financial Institution
Phone #
Contact Agent
Start Date
Public Sidewalk Present?
Doors/Windows Secured By?
Verified Period?
Property Identified As
Lease Date
Property Type
# of Stories
Property Plan: (Check all that apply)
Property Details
Expected Date of Re-Occupancy or Demolition
Sheriff or Tax Deed Sale Date
Permits List
Closing Date
Broker Company Name
Property Actively listed by Broker?
# of Garages
Applicant Is?
If "Other", please describe
Will Remove By
Listing Date
If "Other", please specify
Permits Applied For?
Company Name
Broker Company State
For Rent
For Sale
If "Other", please specify
Do you have Building Security?
Building Security Information
Date of Vacancy
Plan for Fire Protection During Vacancy
Agent Name
City, State, ZIP
Fire Alarm Company or Plan
Debris on Property List
Insurance Company
Debris on Property
Company Phone #
Company Name
Do you have a Fire Alarm Company?
Company Phone #
Company Name
Building have an Interior Sprinkler System?
Phone #
I Certify That no Junk Cars or Tractor Trailers or Other Vehicles Shall be Parked on the Premise
Company Name
Exterior Maintenance
If Yes, Is It Active?
Water Meter Removed?
Electricity Service Disconnected?
Hazardous Materials on Site?

When a building or structure is registered as required herein, the owner or agent shall submit a vacant building plan. The plan shall contain, as a minimum, the following: A plan of action to maintain the building and premises thereof in conformance with all laws and ordinances of the City and State including, but not limited to, the following requirements:

  1. The interior of the building, to include any garage area, shall be clean and free of debris;
  2. The grounds of the premises shall be kept free of weeds and debris and the grass shall be mowed during spring, summer and fall months;
  3. No junk cars shall be parked on the premises;
  4. All windows and doors on the ground floor area, including basement and garage shall be boarded up and seamed with minimum one-half inch sheathing grade plywood, applied in a neat and orderly manner, cut to the size of the opening and painted to match the building or trim;
  5. A plan for fire alarm and fire protection shall be established and approved by this Fire Department; and
  6. Evidence of liability and casualty insurance applicable to the property shall be provided

Water Shut Off Requested?
# of Fire Hydrants
Account #
Fire Hydrants last Tested date
Company Name
Current Status for Utilities
Phone #
# of Doors and Windows to be Boarded
Required Attachments:
  • Copy of Current Insurance Policy
  • Provide a List of Hazardous Materials if There's Any
  • Type Full Name :
    Sign With Hand
    Acknowledgement of Responsibility: It is the joint responsibility of owner and/or applicable responsible Party(ies) to ensure information is complete and accurate. The {[CNAME]} Vacant Building Ordinance requires the Owner to meet all city codes and conditions of the approved property plan.

    I, the undersigned, hereby affirm that i am duly authorized to act on behalf of all ownership interests in the above-referenced property. I certify that all information and attachments to this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to update this information as it changes and/or renew this registration every six months. I understand there is a $250 fine for failure to report (R21-24).I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment under the violations section of the Code of the {[CNAME]}.

    Applicant Signature